THE HIS TORY OF THE ROYAL FUSILIERS "U. P. S." UNIYRSITYC' PUBLIC SCHOOLS BRIGADE (FOR.NATION  TRAINING) PubIished by PRINTING HOUSE SQUARE, LONDON, E.C. $ i THE HISTORY  OF THE  ROYAL FUSILIERS   "1! P . "  UNIVERSITY AND PUBLIC SCHOOLS  BRIGADE  (FORMATION AND TRAININ«) i PUBLISHED BY "THE TIMES"  PRINTING HOUSE SQUARE •   LONDON, E.C.  $1 PRINTED BY HAZELL WATSON AND VEqEY, LD» LONDON AND AYLESBURY. EDITOR'S NOTE MANY members of the U.P.S. and friends of the movement have given hclp and advice in the preparation of this book. In parti- cular should be mentioned Lieutenant I-Iowell, formerly secretary to the U.P.S. Committee. Without his ungrudging assistance this book could scarcely have been written, and indeed a great part of the narrative is based on particulars supplied by him. Others who have hclped in the story of the U.P.S. are Lieutenant Hurry (the Editor of the Pow-wow, from which lnany of the book's illustra- tions bave bcen reproduced), Major E. J. Stuart, and Messrs. D. L. Perry, G. T. Moody, and D. K. Parr, ail members past or present of the Brigade. The Hon. Arthur Stanley, Chairman of the U.P.S. Committee, has shown an unceasing intcrest in the progress of the work, and has added to the Editor's debt by kindly consenting to write a foreword to it. Lord Lurgan and other members of the Committee have also given advice and assistance in various ways. To ail thcse gcntlcmen, as wcll as to the many newspapers, men- tioned in the text, which have accorded permission to use their chronicles of the doings of the U.P.S., the Editor's grateful thanks are due. If had been contemplated at one rime to include a Roll of Honour of the U.P.S., and some account of their doings in France, but for various reasons it has been dccided to abandon this idea, or at any rate to postpone it. July 1917. CONTENTS FOREWORD: BY THE HONOURABLE ARTHUR STANLEY, C.B., M.V.O., M.P ..... 9 CHAPTER I FORMATION OF THE BRIGADE 13 CHAPTER II WORK AT THE I:{ECRUITING CENTRES: THE [OBILIZATION CHAPTER III EPSOM, ASHTEAD AND LEATHERHEAD'. 48 THE CAIIP AT EPSOM . CHAPTER IV 75 CHAI'TER V CLIPSTONF. AND SALISBURY. 7 87 8 CONTENTS THE DEPARTURE CHAPTER VI 99 THE " POW-WOW " CHAPTER VII lO5 THE HON. ARTHUR STANLEY, C.B., M.¥.O., M.P., CHAIRiXIAN OF THE COMMITTEE. LORD LURG-N, K.C.V.O., VICE C[-IAIR.I.N OF THE COIIITTEF-.. ¢,[Swaine, [9 FOREWORD TI. story of the raising, training and subsequent military aetivities of the University and Publie Sehools Brigade will be read with interest not only by the oflîeers and men of the Brigade--and those eonneeted with them--but also by those students and wïiters who in days fo eome will endeavour fo ereate for themselves and fo place belote future generations some pieture of the wonderful uprousing of Great Britain in the autumn of 1914. The springing into lire of this Brigade--fanfiliarly known as the U.P.S.--is told in this book and I need not enter into if. The first I knew of if was when I heard that between 2,000 and 3,000 men of the finest physique, all from the publie sehools and univer- sities, were marehing through the streets of London in perfeet order, drilling whenever they round a eonvenient bit of ground, and that they had attraeted the notice of Lord Roberts, who had expressed his admiration of the men and his readiness forlnally fo inspeet them whenever they were ready for that honour. If must be remembered that af the rime the Brigade, or rather the embryo of the Brigade, had no oflîcers, but in some mysterious way eom- manded itself. It was with no little trepidation that I suddenly ïound myself eonfronted with the suggestion that I should be ehairman of the Committee whieh was to make all the neeessary arrangements for the ereation of a camp, and for the elothing and equipment of the men. I hasten fo add that the invitation was in no sense due to 2 9 10 FOREWORD any îeeling that I was in any way qualified for the position, but merely to the fact that the Brigade had selected the County Club of the Royal Automobile Club at Epsom as a suitable place for a camp, and, as I was the chairman of the Royal Automobile Club, they thought I might be of use to them. I duly received official notice ïrom the Army Council that I was " authorized to raise a Brigade of Infantry to consist of four Battalions and to make sueh arrangements as may be neeessary for the same"--an authozation which left a good deal to the imagination and which eould only have been given to an ordinary civilian in very peeuliar rimes. The next performance of the Brigade was to march itself down to Epsom and billet itself---3,200 men--in the neighbouring villages of Epsom, Leatherhead, and Ashtead. This operation it carried through without a hitch and without officers. These were not appointed until some days afterwards. Many other wonderful things this Brigade did, but I must not exceed the usual length of a Foreword, and many of the exploits are told in this book. My own connection with it became practically nominal Olfiy, as I was engaged on other work ; but we were fortunate enough to secure the help of Lord Lurgan as vice-chairman of the Committee, and he threw himself energetically into the work. To him the Brigade owes a very large debt of gratitude, and he, I know, would like me to put on record the ïact that throughout many months of hard, and oftcn very difficult work, the harmony of the relations with Brigadier-General W. Gordon Gilmour and the other officers of the Brigade was never once disturbed. Mr. Julian Orde, the Secretary of the Royal Automobile Club, also joined our Com- mittee and gave invaluable help, both to the Committee and to the Brigade itself. I cannot end this brief note without reference to the services of Mr. Henry Howell, the Secretary of the Committee. Even in those strenuous days when eve T one was working at full pressure FOREWORD 11 few people worked as hard as he did. His whole heart was in the work and he gave his whole time--day and night--ungrudgingly to the service oï the U.P.S. Many were the diflïeulties whieh he removed and the obstaeles whieh he surmounted, and only those who worked with him know how thoroughly he deserved and won the very high regard and esteem of offieers and men alike, as well as of his eolleagues on the Committee. Itis tempting to write still more oï the early days oï the U.P.S. and oï their training at Woodeote and oï their militmT aehieve- ments in France, but I refrain, remembering that this is only the preïaee to the book and not the book itselï. The Brigade in its short liïe ruade a niche ïor itselï in the history oï the Great War, and I eount myself fortunate indeed--as do all the members of the Conmfittee--in having been associated even in a humble way with the 18th, 19th, 20th, and 21st Battalions oï the Royal Fusiliers, who won ïame for themselves under the more ïamiliar naine of the " U.P.S." ARTttUR STANLEY. CHAPTER I FORMATION OF THE BRIGADE A 8TATE of var was declared to exist between Great Britain and Gerlnany as from 11 p.m. of August , 191. That afternoon Mr. Asquith had announced in the House of Commons that the British Government had sent an ultimatum to Germany the same morning. Then, proceeding to the Bar of the House, he handed to the Speaker a Proclamation by the King providing for eomplete mobilization of the Army. Ail that day, in ex- peetation of immediate mobilization, the reeruiting offices in London and throughout the country had experienced a " boom," the forerunner of the tremendous flood of enlistments that was soon to sweep over the country. The following day the first official advertisement ealling for unmarried men between the ages of eighteen and thirty fo rally round the flag appeared in the Press. On August 7 Mr. Asquith in the House of Commons moved a vote of credit for £100,000,000, and asked for sanction for an increase of the Army by 500,000 men. The same day, Lord Kitchener, who had been appointed Secretary of State for War two days before, issued his appeal for the first 100,000. He asked for men between the ages of nineteen and thirty to eome forward and enlist for a period of three years, or until the conclusion of the war. The appeal was aceompanied by a letter from the Secretary for War fo the Lords-Lieutenant of Counties and Chairmen of Territorial Force County Associations, 13 14 TtIE tIISTORY OF TtIE "U.P.S." asking for help in recruiting these men. They were not long in coming forward. 1Recruits poured in at the rate of thousands a day, and when Lord Kitchener ruade his first speech in the tIouse of Lords on August 25 he was able to announce that the first 100,000 had practically been secured. Never in the history of recruiting had such a boom been witnessed. In all parts of the country and in all classes of the community young men laid aside their peaceful avocations at their country's call. In these first few days many public school and university men, uncertain how they could best help their country, and not realizing that a greater increase in the commissioned ranks than the military establishments could provide for must necessarily accompany the increase in non-commissioned ranks, flocked to the colours. This was only for a couple of days. On August 10 the first advertisements appeared in the Press calling for junior officers. Two thousand temporary commissions were offered by the War Office to young unmarried men between the ages of seventeen and thirty. The offer was extended to cadets and ex-cadets of IJniversity O.T.C.'s or Members of Universities, and to other young men of good general education. The public school class now saw the particular form of its duty in the national emergency more plainly before it, and the 2,000 vacancies were very quickly filled from this source. So great, in fact, was the flood of applications for the limited number of com- missions available that it soon became apparent that applicants not immediately successful would probably have to wait a long rime before they could hope to obtain commissions, while men over the age of thirty were not included in the terres of the announcement, and were, generally speaking, ruled out. It was in these circumstances that the following letter, signed "Eight Unattached," appeared in The Times of August 26, three weeks after the declaration of war, when Lord Kitchener's ]First Army of 100,000 men was already nearly complete : FORMATION OF TI-IE BRIGADE 15 To the Editor of " The Times " SIR, We attended the recent meeting' at !the Hotel Cecil to consider the formation of a corps of past public schools men, and found that the organizers only required grey-haired, spare- rime veterans. We are between thirty and thirty-five, absolutely fit and game for active service. The meeting showed that there must be hundreds of men in the same position as we are, who, between the years 1898 and 1903, were nmrksmen, and attended the Bisley musketry camps and Aldershot training camps with school or university corps. We have applied for conmfissions in the nev Regulars, but find we are too old. We have offered our services as musketry instructors, and are informed that wc arc too young, and that none under thirty-five are selected. After endless inquiries there seems only one way in which our services are acceptable, and that is by joining the ranks. Many advantages would result if we all joined the saine regiment, and all public school men of similar age and qualifications are invited to attend a formal meeting on Thursday next, the 27th instant, at the address below, between 8 p.m. and 9 p.m., to discuss the formation of a " Legion of Marksmen " with a view to offering its services en bloc to one of the new battalions now being formed. We should be obliged if you would insert this invitation in your columns. Yours, EGHT UNATTACHED. 59A BROOK STREET, GROSVENOR SQUARE, This was the origin of the Public Schools and University Brigade, though it was soon seen that the movement eould not be eonfined to men of the partieular age here eontemplated, that is, between thirty and thirty-five. The eireumstanees applied equally to all men of the publie sehool elass, irrespeetive of age, who had failed to seeure commissions immediately, and 1 This was a meeting to promote the formation of training centres, with a view to preparation for home defence if called upon, for ex-public school men prevented by various ries from joining the different branches of the service. 16 TtIE tIISTORY OF TtIE " U.P.S." were not disposed to wait perhaps for months before they could serve their country. There was no question of snobbishness involved in this desire to serve together. The point was ex- cellently put by a writer in The Spectator: " There is no sugges- tion that public school men are better than others, but it is natural to wish to spend possibly many weary months or y¢ars with people of one's own upbringing." The attendance at this mceting was considerably larger than was expected, and consequently it was adjourned to Claridge's Itotel, where the management very kindly placed a room at its disposal. During the discussion which ensued it became known that six of the original "Eight Unattached" who had signed the letter had already enlisted together in a London Territorial Unit, and consequently were not present. The first proposal of a few was that those present who wished to enlist should go in a body and join the saine unit. Sevcral of the speakers, how- ever, felt that the meeting was representative of a very large class in the country, who vere in a similar position, and that some larger scheme should be adopted which would give a lead to a very large number of men who were impatiently awaiting some such direction. A few proposais were ruade, which entailed special privileges being granted by the War Office; but, fortunately, some were present who knew that such proposais would hot be considered for a moment by the War Office, and that it was only waste of rime to put them forwm-d. After considerable discussion, Mr. tI. J. Boon placed before the meeting a scheme for raising a force of 5,000 men. The following was the text: 1. Inasmuch as it is known that the applications for tem- .porary commissions in His Majesty's Army have been greatly n exeess of the number required, and further it is felt that there are a great number of old publie sehool boys who are o o FORMATION OF THE BRIGADE 17 anxious to serve their country, but at the same rime are some- what chary of joining the regular, army with the ordinary run of recruits, it is proposed to ralse a Regiment of old public school boys. 2. For the purpose of determining what schools are public schools, all past members of these schools the names of which appear in the current number of The Public Schools Year-book shall be eligible for admission to this Regiment. 8. The number of boys at present members of the above schools is in excess of 80,000, and if is, therefore, felt that there should be little difficulty in raising a Regilnent 5,000 strong of rive battalions. 4. The promoters of the Regiment to obtain the sanction of the War Office to the formation of the Regiment, which shall form part of Lord Kitchener's New Army. 5. In order to save the War Office as much work as possible, it is suggested that the recruiting should be carried out by a Committee to bc appointed, and that the Committee shall under- take the medical examination of all recruits in accordance with War Office instructions. 6. As it is a marrer of national importance that recruits should be obtained as soon as possible, a period shall be fixed, say fourteen days, within which every effort shall be lnade to recruit the 5,000 men required. 7. The Central Organizing Office shall be in London, and recruiting offices shall also be opened throughout the country. 8. The following shall be asked to render service free: (a) Doctors, medical examination of recruits. (b) Newspapers--free displayed appeals for recruits. (c) Landowners--training-grounds. 9. If found practicable,, the men of various schools shall be recruited in companies--.e, a Harrow Company, a Charter- house Company, and so on. 10. The War Office shall be asked to sanction the recruiting of men between the ages of twenty-one and thirty-five, and possibly up to thirty-eight or forty, and youths between eighteen and twenty-one, with parents' permission. 11. The Regiment to be one recruited for active service abroad. 12. When the Regiment is at full strength an effort shall 18 THE HISTORY OF THE " U.P.S." be ruade to obtain the Royal Assent to its being named " Prin- eess Mary's Ovn." 13. The question as fo whether the members of the Regiment should pay for their uniforms and equipment, other than rifles and bayonets, shall be eonsidered at a later date, and the promoters will hot lnake any statement as to this when ealling for reeruits. The assembly was momentarily somewhat taken aback at this bold suggestion, as it was a larger idea than had been thought of; but, after a very little discussion, and being very ably seconded by Mr. E. J. Stuart, it was unalfimously agreed that such a proposal would prove of the utmost value to the country if it could be effected. One of the strong points in ifs favour was that hundreds of young publie school and university men had applied for commissions, and that it would be a great help fo the War Office if all such men joined one unit, so that they could, pending acceptance or rejection of their application, hot waste valuable rime, but get at once into training. If was decided fo draw up the proposal in detail and place it before the War Office for approval. The only privilege to be asked was that the men so enlisted should be allowed to serve together; otherwise, the unit would be exactly the saine as the regular Infantry. The following Committee was then elected- Messrs. J. P. Thompson (chairman), H. J. Boon (secretary), E. J. Stuart, Capt. George Hallett, N.R., C. F. Beal, J. W. IIenderson, F. Warner-Abbatt, H. F. Fenn, and afterwards were added Mr. H. Howell, Dr. Hele-Shaw, and Mr. S. M. Gluckstein. SholoEly afterwards Mr. J. P. Thompson resigned the chairman- ship, and proposed that Mr. H. J. Boon should accept the chairmanship, and that Mr. tI. Howell should be the secretary. This was carried, and Dr. Hele-Shaw was elected vice-chairman. The first Committee-meeting was held at 66 Victoria Street, FORMATION OF THE WHO SAID EPSOM ? BRIGADE 19 _-- Westminster, at 9 a.m. the next morn- "- ing, Friday, August 28. It was decided that nothing could be donc until the sanction of the War Office was obtained, and, with that end in view, the follow- ---- ing letter was drafted to the Sec- retary of State for __-- War, setting forth the proposal and re- »._ questing permission to proceed with the  raising of the force. [The "Pow-wow." August 28, 1914. To the Secretary of State for lVar, W ar Office, S. IV. SIR At a repre- sentative meeting of old public school and university men held last night at Claridge's Hotel it was unanimously re- solved that an effort should be ruade to raise a force of at 20 THE HISTORY OF THE " U.P.S." least 5,000 men to form part of the new armies now being raised. A committee was appointed for the .p.urpose of obtaining the sanction of the War Office to the rmsmg of such a force, and it was further resolved that, in the event of such sanction being obtained, that such Committee should undertake the whole work of publicity, enrohnent, and medical examination of recruits in accordance with the instructioas of the War Office. The Comnfittee are of opinion that the formation of such a force would result in a very large number of men joining the New Army who would hot otherwise do so. The applica- tions for commissions bave been greatly in excess of the vacant positions, and it is thought that those who have not yet obtained commissions would join the tank and file of this new force. The Committee intend to make a widespread appeal to old public school and university men, and will open offices through- out the country for recruiting purposes, and, as the result of inquiries ruade, are confident that they will succeed in raising the whole of the 5,000 men and propose to set themselves a fortnight within which to complete this work. In making this appeal the Comnfittee do not wish to in any way claire any privileges for the members of this force, and desire to make it clear that the men vill be recruited on exactly the saine terres and conditions as those laid down for the new regular army. We have the honour to remain, sir, Your obedient servants, This letter was brought belote the Under-Secretary for War, through Mr. M'Kinnon Wood, and it was arranged that Mr. 13oon should meet the Seeretary of State for War on lIonday evening at six o'eloek. This meeting proved impossible, owing to parliamentary duties; and, as the Committee had undertaken to have the deeision of the War Office by Monday, they ïelt that something prompt must be done. FORMATION OF THE BRIGADE 21 If was too late fo do anything offlcial at the War Office, therefore it was agreed that Mr. Boon should endeavour fo obtain an interview with Lord Kitehener at his house. In this undertaking he did not aetually sueeeed; but he saw Sir George Arthur, who plaeed belote Lord Kitehener a eopy of the letter already sent to him at the War Offlee, and returned with a message : " Go ahead, and if you can raise 10,000 rnen I shall be ail the better pleased." During this visit the remainder of the Committee vas sitting waiting for an answer in Victoria Street, and the tension, anxiety, and impatience, as well as the elated feelings when the sueeessful result was known, rnay be imagined. That night the real work of the Committee eomrneneed. The first thing the Comrnittee did was to print and post up ail over London a large poster, whieh is here reprodueed. During the tiscussions which had taken place at the week- end if had been deeided t.hat the effort fo raise the force should not be eonfîned to London and its suburbs, but should embraee the whole of the United Kingdom, and, in faet, if did aetually beeorne world-wide, reeruits eorning frorn as far afield as Chile, Argentina, the West Indies, and Canada. In order to bring the rnovement to the notice of eligible rnen in the provinces, if was neeessary fo open recruiting offlees in the principal eities of the United Kingdorn, so that the whole of the country would be eovered by them, and also fo endeavour not to leave too great a distance between sueh reeruiting offlees. The following letter wa sent off on the night of lIonday, 22 TttE ttlSTORY OF TttE " U.P.S." August 31, to the Lord Mayors, Provosts, and Mayors of all the chier cities and towns in the country: THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS AND UNIVERSlTr MEN'S COIIIIITTEE, August 28, 1914. To His Worship the Mayor of , Ex-PuBLIC SCHOOLS AND UNIVERSITIES FORCE DEAR SIR, I ara instructcd by my Comlnittee to send you the cnclosed particulars rclating 4o the above force, the raising of which has becn officially sanctioncd by the War Office, and to say that thcy would cstcem it a favour if you would, on rcce.ipt of this lcttcr, use your best cndcavours to obtain the services of some ex-Public School or University man of good standing in your town to immediatcly undcrtake the work of providing a rccruiting office. It has bccn dccided that all provincial rccruiting officers be asked to give thcir services free and to place at the disposal of the Committee suitable offices. The proccdure to be adopted by all recruiting officers in acccpting this position is as follows : (1) Open rccruiting offices and to place the .posters which will be issucd by thc Committee in pro- nfincnt positions. (2) Issue to the local press a notice informing intending rccruits of thc addrcss of the rccruiting office and thc hours bctwecn which the saine will be open. (8) Notify the Sccrctary of the Committee at the above address, by tclcgram if possible, of the address of the rccruiting office and tclcphone numbcr that can bc used in conncction with same. () Sccure the services of a magistrate or othcr qualified pcrsons for the pmpose of swearing in recruits. (5) Obtain thc services of qualified mcdical practitioners for thc purpose of carrying out the nmdical ex- amination of recruits. Thauking you in anticipation, I have the honour to remain, Your Lordship's obedicnt servant, ,Sec. fo Committee. FORMATION OF THE BRIGADE 23 The response was very gratifying, and within a week re- cruiting offices had been opened in over fifty towns. The full lise is: Aberystwyth, Barrow, Bedford, Belfast, Birmingham, Bournemouth, Brighton, Bristol, Buxton, Cambridge, Canterbury, Cardiff, Carmarthen, Chehnsford, Cheltenham, Chester, Chichester, Coventry, Denbigh, Derby, Dunbar, Durham, Eastbourne, East Grinstead, Edinburgh, Exeter, Folkestone, Guildford, Harro- gare, Hereford, Horsham, Hull, King's Lynn, Lincoln, Liverpool, London, Maidstone, Manchester, Monmouth, Norwich, Oxford, Plylnouth, Portsmouth, Reading, Redhill, Reigate, Salisbury, Scarborough, Swansea, Tunbridge Wells, Warwick, Winchester, Worcester, Worthing. At an early date the question of funds arose, and after discussion it was decided fo send a letter to the Head Masters of the Public Schools asking for a subscription of a guinea towm'ds the expenses of recruiting. About forty-five Head Masters immediately responded to the appeal. It will no doubt interest those subscribers fo lem'n that their contributions nearly covered the initial expenses connected with the raising of the Brigade. The remaining liabilities incurred, amounting to over £600, were met by the recruiting rewm'ds cheque which was sent to Brigadier-General Gordon Gihnour some months later. The naine adopted temporarily until the War Office gave official designation was "The Old Public School and Univer- sity Men's Force." This title implied that ail men enlisted were members of a Public School or University, and so the gre«t majority were, but the Committee decided that, as it was impossible to define a Public School, any man of that class should be admitted. The recruiting officers wcre asked to use their discretion in selection of recruits. At the head recruiting office in Victoria Street a very careful scrutiny of every appli- cant vas adopted, and many hundreds had to be declined as 2 TIIE IIISTORY OF TIIE " U.P.S." ineligible. Notiees appeared in most of the London and pro- vincial papers, and special mention should be made of the assist- ance rendered by The Mornin i Post and The Standard. It was the desire of the Committee to make the more- ment as widely known as possible, and within a very short rime it became evident that, through the hearty co-operation of the Press and the recruiting officers, their wish had been gratified. The work at the head office became overwhelming. In- quiries began to pour in by letter, telegram, and telephone, besides a continuous stream of applications in person. At rimes these stremaas becmue crovds which completely blocked the large area at the premises in which the offices were situated, and overflowed into Victoria Street. If was ïound impossible for the Committee alone fo tope with the work, but many offers of help vere ïorthcoming from the intending recruits, and in a very short rime an efficient staff was organized. The correspondence alone anaounted to several hundred letters and telegrams daily; but this was all dealt with promptly, and the office was never closed until every letter and telegram had been answered. In ïact, some nights the office was not closed at ail, and very rarely did every one leave before 2 or 8 a.m. ; under this stress of work meals were natur- ally a problem, as for days on end some of the staff ïound it impossible to leave the office except for a ïew short hours in bed, and their meals consisted principally of sandwiches. An idea of the dinaensions of the movement and of the sentiments to which it appealed is given in a letter sent by a member of the Committee to The Devon and Exeter Gazette about this rime. Old Boys of all our big Public Schools and Universities-- Eton, tIarrow, Rugby, Oxford, and Cambridge--all have rolled up as keen as mustard. We are out to make history. "For UHIVERSITY & PUBLIC SCHOOLS BRIGADE 5O00 MI:N AT ONO£ The 01d Public School and University Men's Committee makes an urgent appeal to their fellow Public Schoel and University men to at once enlist in these battalions, thus upholding the glorious traditions of their Public Schools & Universities. TEBMS OF SERVICE. Age on enlistmcnt 19 to 35, ex-soldiers up to 45. and certain ex-non-commissioned offcers vp to 50. Height 5 ft. 3 in. and upwards. Chest 34 in. at least. Must be medically fit. GenePal Service for, the WaP. Men enlisting for the duration of the War will be discharged with ail convenient speed at the conclusion of the War PAY AT ARMY RATES. and ail married men or widovers with children will be accepted and will drav separation allowance under Army Conditions. HOW TO JOIN. llcn wishing to ioin should apply at once, pcrsonally, to thc Public 5chools E Univcrsitics Force, 66, Victoria trcct, Westminster, London, .W., or thc ncarcst Iecruiting Office of this Force. GOD SAYE THI/ KIIIG ! 24] THE FIRST POSTER. MAJOI: J. W. liENDERSON. LIEUTENANT S. 11. GLUCI{STEIN. FORMATION OF THE BRIGADE 25 King and Country and School" is our motto. There is no trace of snobbishness. Every one aeeepts that he is merely  " Tommy Atkins " and is proud tobe one. The reason for out forming battalions of ourselves is esprit de corps. Every man will remember his old sehool, and do his utmost to keep it level with the others in this undertaking. In this I have every confidence in the Old Boys of all the sehools in Devon rolling up in large numbers. The work in the office, great as it was, was only a portion of what had to be done by the Comnfittee. The rush of recruits passed all expectations, and ways and means had to be devised for coping with it. On the first day, Tuesday, September 1, there were over 300 applicants; but it was impossible in such a short rime to arrange for their immediate medical examination and attestation, and they could only be told to colne again on the next day. Wednesday's figures constituted a record; over 1,200 men were medically examined and attested, this latter by amateurs, as hot a single man on the Comnfittee, or amongst its assistants, had any previous experience of such work. Telephone messages to doctors in all parts of London met with a prompt and ready response, and by the afternoon of that day twenty-five medical men had arrived to give their voluntary assistance. Many doctors offered part or all of their rime voluntarily to the Committee, and great thanks is due to them for their patriotic work. Additional premises were lent to the Committee at 6 Victoria Street by Dr. tIele-Shaw and Messrs. Compayne, and also in Westminster Palace Gardens. The recruits were organized into parties at the head office, sent for medical examination as the doctors could deal with them, and then returned to the head office to be sworn in by Capt. tIallett, N.R. The next day 700 more were attested, and on Friday the smne steady stream of recruits was flowing in when a blow fell which at first seemed well-nigh fatal. Orders vere received 26 THE HISTORY OF THE " U.P.S." frolll the Chief Recruiting Oflïcer, Whitehall, that ail attestation lnust stop forth- with, as he claimed that no sanction had been given fo raise the force, and that the attestation of recruits was most irregular. Perhaps the Committee had been in too great a hurry, but surely they were right in going ahead aïter receiving the message they did ïrom Lord Kitchener. Rumours began fo spread that the force was unauthor- ized, and the attestations which had been ruade were illegal, and indeed many ap- plications were ruade asking the Comnfittee to show their authority. This, of course, was impossible, as the au- WHERE'S THAT BLANK CARTRIDGE [The " Pow-wow." thorization had been verbal, and great care and tact had to be used in dealing with such inquiries. Strong representations were, however, ruade in the right quarters, and on Wednesday, September 9, the Army Council's authority was reeeived in proper form. During the intervening days large numbers of recruits were enrolled, but eould not be attested and sworn in. Great unrest was felt by these men, and the feeling got to such a pitch that immediate action was necessary. On September 8, af the usual Committee Meeting, after lengthy discussion if was unanimously resolved tlmt the only way out of the deadlock ws again to approach Lord Kitchener direct. The following FORiIATION OF THE BRIGADE 27 letter was written and signed by every member of the Com- mittee, and the chairman, Mr. Boon, was deputed fo endeavour fo gain an interview with Lord Kitchener af lais private bouse, the Committee meantime deciding to sit until a definite decision of some sort was obtained. September 8, 1914. The Right Hon. the Earl Kitchener of Khartoum, F.M., K.P., Secretary of State for War, War Office, S.W. MY LOlD, We, the undersigned lnembers of the Committee of the Old Public Schools and University Mcn's Force, wish to call your Lordship's urgent attention to a most serious state of affairs existing af the present moment. Acting under your Lordship's direct approbation and with your cordial sanction, we have worked night and day and have af the rime of vriting succeeded in enrolling ,000 lnen--the most splendid material in the eyes of competent observers who have witnessed their drills and route marches. Af the molnent we, the Committee, after many promises, verbal and written, are unable to get the necessary military formalities eoncluded. We appeal to your Lordship to take this marrer in hand yourselï immediately, and insist that the necessary ïormalities be concluded in order that the men whom we have enrolled shall be Inedically examined and attested af once, thus making them part of the regular army. We, the Committee, are prepared and are only too willing to do all in out power fo assist the War Office in this marrer, and, ïurther, we have offered fo arrange for the organization, clothing, housing, and feeding the men. We trust that this u.rgent appeal ruade on behalf of $,000 inen, whose only desire lS fo serve their count13z, will receive your earnest personal attention. We beg fo remain, Your Lordship's obedient servants, After about one hour of waiting, lIr. Boon returned and reported that, although Lord Kitchener vas tired out, Sir George 28 THE HISTORY OF THE " U.P.S." Arthur had a.gain befriended the Brigade by king the letter fo him, and his a.nswr was that the marrer should have his first attention the next morning. On September 9, as stated above, the authority fo carry on with attestations was received in proper form. During the intervening days large numbers of recruits had been enrolled, and these men were now called up for attestation by posteard, and telegrams were sent fo all reeruiting offieers, notifying them of the sanction reeeived fo earry on again. On September 10 the rush was so great that Dr. Hele-Shaw arranged fo get the loan of the Institute of Meehanieal Engineers so as fo case the congestion. This fine building was plaeed af the disposal of the Committee, and the medieal examination and attestation were thus earried on in greater eomfort. It was neeessary af once fo deal with this large body of eager reeruits, and if was hastily deeided that drilling should immediately commence in Hyde Park. Onlookers in Victoria Street, amount- ing almost to a erowd itself, were amazed fo sec that, af the word of eommand given by seleeted members of the Committee, who knew their drill, the new reeruits fell into line and formed fours, and were marched off. The astonishment would, perhaps, bave been less if the public had realized that this fine body of youth was so largely eomposed of members of the Offieers' Training Corps of various Publie Schools. In London parades were held every day in Hyde Park under lIr. Westwood-Henderson and Mr. Warner-Abbatt. The following account of the first parade is taken from The Morning Post of September 8, 1915: There was the unmistakable right ring in the cheers af the first parade of the Old Publie Sehool and University lIen's Force af the Central Hall, Westminster, yesterday morning. The eheers were given for various people and resolutions, but the loudest and the steadiest were kept for this message fo all FORMATION OF TtIE BRIGADE 29 recnaits in Lord Kitchener's New Army: " We are getting ready as quickly as we tan, and we hope to join you in the battle line as soon as possible." Over 2,000 mustered at this first parade. They comprised, generally speaking, the London Contingent. Members enrolled in the country had hot yet been called up .... And an aston- ishly fine, vell-set-up force they are too, if yesterday's muster is typical, lIostly above the average height, and all supple, athletic fellovs of manifest strong lung capacity, they ruade a capital ilnpression .... The folloving orders vere issued by the Committee on September 9 : Two pm'ades vere held to-day: the first, at 10.80 for Company Drill, the second af 2.30 for route-mareh. The turn- out fo both pm'ades was excellent. Various eomments were nmde by on-looke--many of whom held high militm'y rank--expressing surprise at the soldierly appearanee, splendid marehing, and general physique of the men, eonsidering that they have only been enrolled during the last week. The Committee expeet to reeeive immediately full instruc- tions from the War Office, whieh will enable them to eomplete at once all the arrangements for elothing, housing, feeding, and training the whole force. Immediately sueh instaaetions are reeeived notices will be sent out to any man who has up to the present only been enrolled, where and when to attend for medieal exmnination and attestation. The Comnfittee point out that nearly rive battalions have been raised in a little over a week. This has entailed an enormous amount of eorrespondenee, which is being dealt with by an entirely voluntary staff, who are working night and day. They would, therefore, request that all members of the above force should assist them as mueh as possible by waiting for instaaetions, which will be issued at a very early date. The orders for to-day are: Battalions will fall in opposite Knightsbridge Barraeks, in Hyde Park, to-day, Thursday, at 10.0 a.m. It was a fine sight to see the whole of the London con- 3o TttE ttlSTORY OF TttE "U.P.S." tingent on a route-march through London. On one occasion the line reaehed the length of Whitehall, and some distinguished offieers at the War Office were observed fo be very mueh im- pressed by the men's soldierly bearing. Some distinguishing mark was desirable for the reeruits, so the Committee adopted a design in the form of a eardboard dise printed with the letters U.P.S. in the form of a monogram. This dise was worn in the button-hole attaehed by a red eord. It soon beeame apparent that it would be impossible for the men to parade anywhere in the neighbourhood of Victoria Street, so the place of rendezvous was ehanged, as mentioned above, to Hyde Park at the open spaee between the Gares and the Statue of Achilles. But the number of men was so great that the traffie was entirely bloeked, and an arrangement was ruade with the police by which the open spaee in tIyde Park, adjacent to the Knightsbridge Barraeks, was definitely granted to the Brigade as a parade-ground. In the provinces regular parades were also held. The out- standing incident of these early days of training was when Major-General Sir Franeis Lloyd inspected the London Contin- gent, numbering over 2,000, in Hyde Park. The news was only reeeived the night beïore, and the turn-out showed the keenness of the men, as no speeial whip eould be issued to ensure sueeess. The praise Major-General Sir Franeis Lloyd gave was expressed by the words, " The finest body of men I have ever seen." The advice which he gave was summed up in three words, " Discipline, discipline, discipline." Two thousand men had been brought together for the first rime during the previous nine days, and had been already organized into eompanies and were training under men who held no commissions, but who neverthe- less had absolute eommand. One of these parades was thus deseribed by a writer in The Richmond Times : FORMATION OF THE BRIGADE 31 ... When I arrived opposite the Knightsbridge Cavalry Barracks, my footsteps were arrested by the sight of hundrcds of young men in civilian attire drawn up in lnilitary formation. :Each man wore a little white badge, with the letters U.P.S. on it. This, on inquiry, stood.., for University and Pnblic Schools Force. There were twelve companies of them, and in my own mind I anticipated the remark of Major-General Sir Francis Lloyd (to be uttered on the following day): "I have never seen a nmre magnificent body of men in my lire." There they were, nearly 2,000 of them. Many of them over 6 feet in hei.ght, and ail of them born athletes, men whom you could fancy in a'epresentative football or cricket teams, or making records on the running track, or contending in classic faces on the water. Each of them, too, with a look of set determination on his face, denoting most unmistakably that whatever it was they were going in for, they were going in for it with the fixed intention of bringing it off. And when I reflect that these " degenerates " and " decadents " of Britain and the Empire are coming in in their tens of thonsands, I hope that Germany will understand that England is getting ready to be crushed on a scale which she has not hitherto attempted. On September 10 the late Field-]Iarshal Earl Roberts honoured the force by visiting their headquarters in Victoria Street. tte spent about twenty minutes in the office, talking to the chairman and the secretary, and was so intercsted in what he heard and sav that he promised fo go straight fo the War Office and see what was being or could be done fo provide the Brigade Staff and Commanding Officers. tte also said that he would like to attend a parade of the London Battalions in Hyde Park on the following Monday, but was unfortunately prevented from doing so. On Thursday and Friday the work of attestation continued, but on Saturday, September 12, it was round that, together with the returns received from the recruiting officers in the provinces, the total number recruited exceeded 5,000. Thus in 82 TIIE IIISTORY OF TIIE " U.P.S." eleven days the total number aimed at by the Committee was reachcd. Attestations, thcrefore, wcrc stopped, as the Army Council's authority was only for that numbcr. As, howcvcr, applicants still callcd in good numbcrs, it was decmcd advisablc to crcatc a waiting list. Thc numbers cntcrcd in this list in a fcw days rcachcd between two and thrcc hundrcd. Thc public can hardly realizc thc amount of work that such an undcrtaking cntailed. To takc onc example alone, prcparing and sorting out thc attestation forms neccs- sitated further accommodation in order to deal vith the vast number of these forms and to eomply with the War Office regulations. Five thousand attestation forms to be duplieated, and a like quantity of pay-sheets and medieal history forms fo be filled in in detail, and the knowledge that the welfare of 5,000 men depended on their aeeurate eompletion, this was enough fo nmke the hardest worker pause. Mr. S. M. Gluekstein came fo the reseue af this eritieal moment, and plaeed the Enpire Room at the Troeadero af the Committee's disposal, tIere the work was eommeneed by some fifty men under the charge of Lawrenee Jones, who had volunteered to take this work in hand. Owing to the faet that the Troeadero came under the Lieensing Aet, the management would not permit work fo continue after 11 o'eloek at night. Undaunted by this new diffieulty, Captain Itallett obtained permissfon from the War Office for the work fo be earried on throughout the night. The men worke fourteen fo fifteen hours a day, and sometimes the night through; the task was eventually eompleted, and the whole double-indexed on the eard system and filed away under lock and key. Mueh praise is due to the voluntary staîf, fo Captain tIallett, who, inter alia, must have attaehed his signa- ture fully 50,000 rimes to the various forms, and also fo the management and staff of the Troeadero, who from page-boy to I, FORMATION OF THE BRIGADE messengers did everything in their power to facilitate the work. Some idea of its magnitude will be gained by the faet that over 25,000 forms were filled in and dealt with, and 10,000 index-eards eolnpleted and filed, over 15 ewt. of paper being used. THE U.P.S. BADGE. CHAPTER II WORK AT THlE RlECRUITING CENTRES : THlE MOBILIZATION WE have seen how the University and Public Schools Brigade came to be formed, and have witnessed the remarkable answer ruade by the whole country to the call of the Colnmittee. We must now endeavour to place on record the individual work of the provincial reeruiting offieers. Should any detailed men- tion of the work aeeomplished by any of the reeruiting oflïeers be omitted in what ïollows, it is unfortunately due to the faet that information is missing. Manchester (Mr. L. J. Paton, Head lIaster, the Grammar Sehool).--Mention must first be made of the splendid response ruade by the eity of Manehester as a whole. A very large percentage of the recruits enlisted for the Publie Sehool Brigade formed the 20th Battalion Royal Fusiliers. On September 1, 191, the Lord Mayor (Sir Daniel MeCabe) sent for Mr. Paton and plaeed before hiln a letter he had reeeived from the U.P.S. Headquarters, informing him of the formation of the Publie Sehool Battalions, and requesting him to see what steps could be taken to get reeruits in Manehester. Mr. Paton at once interviewed some of his old Grammar-sehool boys at Manehester University who were keen on the O.T.C. Foremost alnong these was Captain J. F. H. Templar, a former Sergeant of the Sehool contingent. A letter was at once inserted in the newspapers calling a meeting of Publie Sehool boys at the University. This meeting was held on September . About 150 men attended. WORK AT THE RECRUITING CENTRES 35 AVE ATQUE VALE. [The *° Pow-wow." Captain Lapage, who was in command of the O.T.C. in the absence of Sir Thonms Holland and Captain C. Ports, commanding officer of the Manchester Grammar School, Lieut. E. Moore Mumford (nov Captain) and the High Master of the Grammar School vere present. The scheme of the U.P.S. Brigade was laid before the meeting, by vhich it vas heartily received, and a recruiting station vas at once opened at the School, the School O.T.C. oflîcers being placed in charge by the recruiting staff oflîcer for Manchester. It happened that at this rime the Lav Students, the Chartered Accountants, and Incorporated Ae- 36 TtIE tIISTORY OF THE " U.P.S." countants and the Architects were holding meetings to decide what action they should take in the national emergency. The scheme of the U.P.S. Brigade was placed before them, with the result that they decided as a body to throw in their lot with the Public School boys. Any amount of volunteer work was forthcoming. Everybody was roped in---chaplains, doctors, magis- trates, clerks, scouts; all were put fo work; 1,023 mcn in all xvere enlistcd in thc course of cight working days--surely a magnificent achicvemcnt. Then a wire from hcadquarters stopped further proceedings. The mcn were so full of enthusiasm that they started drilling at once, at first on Chethaln'S ground, alongside the School, and later, since that proved too small, by kind permission of the Parks Colnmittce, on Plates Fields. A draft of 300 lcft at 1 a.m. on Thursday morning, Sep- tember 17, undcr the command of Lieut. E. Moore Mumford. They were met at Euston, and lnm-ched through fo Victoria Station, where they found brcakfast awaiting them. The main body lcft Manchestcr on Thursday, September 2. These mustered on the Piccadilly flags and were addressed by the Lord Mayor, xvho accompanied thcm in his carriage to Mayfield Station, whcre thcy entrained for Leatherhead by special train. Worcester.--Lieut.-Colonel J. Livingstone Wood was instru- mental in obtaining about 120 recruits. A great many of these were from Worcester Cathedral King's School and the Worcester Royal Grammar School; several others came from Bromsgrove and other parts of the county of Worcester. Lieut.-Colonel L. Wood's son also joined the U.P.S. Cheltenham (Colonel V. D. Griffiths, V.D.).--This town being a great educational centre, Colonel Griffiths at once got to work. The Public Schools in the neighbourhood are Cheltenham College, St. Paul's Training College, and the Grammar School. Applica- tions numbered 101, but fourteen of the men were found to be medically unfit. Many Public School men at Cheltenham were WORK AT THE RECRUITING CENTRES 87 also recruited by Colonel Griffiths for the Inns of Court, Artists' Rifles, O.T.C., as xvell as for the Territorial Battalion of the Gloucester Regiment. Cardiff (Captain A. A. Rcad).--A recnfiting office was opened at the college buildings; members of the college staff under- took the clcrical work, and sevcral doctors examincd the recruits free of cost. Thc number enlisted here xvas "2,50, about one half of wholn were past and present students of thc University College of South Wales and Monmouthshire, and the relnainder men of nearly eve2¢ Public School and Univcrsity xvho were at that rime living in South Walcs. Derby (Mr. A. R. Flint).--At the outset Mr. Flint reclalited 146 men, who ail joined the 21st Battalion. A great number of them had considcrable preliminary training whilst awaiting instllctions from headqualoEers. As soon as these were received, a very suceessful farcwell dinner was held. On the day of departure the recruits lnarched to the town, and were given a very enthusiastic send-off. No record was kept of the number of men sent direct to Epsom since that departure, as no attesta- tion was effeeted in Derby for the Brigade, Mr. Flint satisfying himself that the applicants wcre suitable recalits and giving theln a letter of authorization for the purpose of getting attested at the nearest depot. It is estimated that 150 men were so dealt with, making the total reclited from Derby and the neighbourhood fully 300. This must be considercd an excellent achievement. Chelmsford (Mr. A. S. Elford).--Mr. Elford was obliged to rely on adveloEisements which he placed in the local papers for obtaining recruits. A great number of men he saw personally, and these he persuaded to join, sending them to London for attestation. Mr. Kelland helped Mr. Elford, and the total number of recruits obtained was about 100. The men came from evel7¢ part of Essex, some from Suffolk, and one or two 88 THE ttISTORY OF TttE " U.P.S." from Cambridgeshire. Mr. Elford was asked to nominate four officers for new field-artillery batteries. He approached several of the recruits whom he had obtained for the Brigade, but without success, as they all replied that they were too happy and contented where they were to leave. Plymouth (Mr. E. Elliot Squarc).--When it became known in the Wcst of England that a force was to be raiscd of mcn who had becn af a Public School or Univcrsity, a vcry con- sidcrable body of mcn cndcavourcd to avail themselves of the opportunity which was givcn to thcm of scrving in such a force. A very large proportion of such men in the Wcst of England were already serving in the Navy or Army, as thc two principal schools in the neighbourhood of Plymouth, the Ply- mouth and Mannamead College and the Kelly College, Tavistock, had for many years trained their boys in a very efficient train- ing corps attached to the colleges. Kelly College was founded by the late Admiral Kelly with the object of giving education principally to boys desirous of entering the services, and natur- ally the greatcr propooEion of the old boys was serving when war broke out, whilst Plymouth College also had a very sub- stantial proportion of its old boys in the forces. Inquiries from recruits were received from as far west as Penzance, and about eighty men were enrolled and awaited the War Office sanction before attesting. In addition to them a considerable number from Plymouth and neighbourhood enrolled at the Exeter recruiting office, and also at Headquarters in London. Mention must bc ruade of the late Major F. T. C. Hill, the local recruiting officer, who gave every assistance, and set aside a pooEion of the recruiting office at Plymouth for the use of those desiring fo become members of the Brigade. IV/en enlisted fronl Provost Truro ]XIining College Institution, Camborne, and from The Hoe Grammar School, Plymouth. It was hot necessary to do much propaganda work to induce recruits to corne forward, WORK AT THE RECRUITING CENTRES 89 as directly the ïact of the raising of the force was known, ail men who were then on the waiting list for commissions at the War Office readily ushed fo join the Corps. Monmouth (Dr. S. Davis Taylor).--Altogether Dr. Davis Taylor recruited about eighty men. Some of these, however, joined other corps such as the Royal Naval Division, and the local Territorials. Bedford (Major J. E. Wilkinson).--About eighty-five men were attested. Af the outbreak of war Major Wilkinson was Assistant Secretary fo the National Service League. The League's activities were suspended, and the office opened for the attestation of recruits for the Public Schools Brigade. Harrogate (Mr. Cecil Hawkins).--The Mayor of tIarrogate asked Mr. tIawkins to take the post of recruiting officer for the Brigade. This he willingly consented fo do. A short letter was published by him in the local papers welcoming recruits at the office of the Defence League, tIarrogate. The response was immediate and gratifying, men turning up from a radius of forty to sixty toiles, many of them on motor-cycles. Voluntary workers already organized af the Defence League helped, and much valuable assistance was received from the local recruiting officer, the late Major Lindberg, who took a great interest in the movement, and was proud fo swear in so fine a body of men. About 110 men in ail were recruited. Durham (the Reverend R. D. Badworçh, Head Master, Durham School).---Ir. Badworth was asked fo take on the duties of recruiting officer for the Northern District Durham Centre for the U.P.S. Brigade on September 1. His duties finished on September 23. The number of recruits obtained was just over 150, mainly belonging fo northern schools. Most schools of importance had, however, af least one representative --many were induced fo enlist by a notice which appeared in the local papers. The work was much more laborious than if 40 TtIE tIISTORY OF TtIE " U.P.S." need have been for the recruits and Mr. Badworth, owing to conflicting orders with regard to medical examination and attestation, nearly all recruits having to pay at least two visits. This hit some men very hard, as they came from considcrable distances. The canses of these conflicting orders received from headquartcrs will be understood from what has been written above. Briglton (Captain A. H. Belcher, Bghton College).--Captain Bclchcr sent in approximately 80 to 100 recruits. The method he adopted was to advertise in the local papers, and also to circularizc all ex-members of the contingent of the Officers' Training Corps whom hc could trace in that district from the official lists publishcd by the War Office. Practically all the recruits he sent in--at any rate in the first batch--had prcviously been members of some contingent of the O.T.C. Belfast (Cal»tain R. Stanley, R.E.).--When war broke out Captain Stmfley was an offieer in the Queen's University, and a request was reeeived to help in the reeruiting for the U.P.S. Brigade. He seeured fift.y-one reeruits, when reeruiting was sIopped, and the men were sent to Epsom as a Platoon. Birmi,ngham (Colonel W. L. Ludlow, C.B.).No details have been received, except that approximately 120 men were enlisted for the Brigade at the Town Hall. Eastbourne (Mr. W. N. Willis).Mr. Willis was in charge of the recmiting office in Terminus lload under the direction of Captain Orgale, the head reeruiting officer, and obtained sanction to use his office as a district recruiting office for the U.P.S. Fifly-three mon were enrolled by him, and many more went direct to London to enlist after reeeiving sanction from Mr. Willis. Eweter (Mr. H. H. I)rew).--Mr. I)rew began reeruiting on September 2, 1914, and was finally ordered to stop by the chier reeruiting officer in Exeter on Februm, y 7, 1915, as a result of '1 Il WORK AT THE RECRUITING CENTRES ,1 an order from the G.O.C. Southern Command. During this period he enrolled 157 men, of whom fifty-two came ff.oto the chier western schools, such as Allhallows (Honiton), Blundell's, Clifton, Exeter, Kelly, Newton, and Sherborne. Other schools eontributing were Bradfield, Cheltenham, Charterhouse, Han'ow, Haileybury, ]Ialvern, Rossall, Tonbridge, Westnfinster, Ferres, and Glenalmond. Mr. Drew received great assistance ff'oto retired Fleet-Surgeon H. W. B. Walsh (the Naval Medical Examining Oflicer in Exeter), who medical]y examined all the Exeter retraits gratuitously. Altogether about 200 rccruits were obtained by Mr. Drew, one of whom, G. R. D. Moor, has won the V.C., and one or two others the Military Cross. Portsmouth (Mr. Ernest Hall).At the rime when Ir. Hall was requested fo aet as reeruiting oflicer for the Brigade, he was honorary secretary and recruiting oflieer fo the PooEsmouth Battalion, which was being raised by the Mayor. This neees- sarily prevented him from devoting much rime fo the U.P.S., but he was able fo send between twenty and thirty men to Epsom. Bristol (Mr. W. S. Paul).--Between thirty and forty reeruits were reeeived by Mr. Paul, of whom a good number were old boys of Clifton College. Salisbury (Mr. W. W. Osmond).At the urgent request of the Mayor of Salisbury (Sir. James Macklin), Mr. Osmond eonsented to aet as honorary reeruiting officer for the U.P.S. A short aoEiele in the two local newspapers af once attraeted attention. Within forty-eight hours numerous calls were ruade, and inquiries by letter and telegram received from men residing in Salisbmy¢, Bournemouth, Winehester, Dorehester, Swindon, Chippenham, Andover, Tidworth eamps and farther afield. Many applicants who were over age were much disappointed in not being aeeepted, as they were under the impression that applicants for this Brigade would hOt be tied down to strict ô THE HISTORY OF THE " U.P.S." " THIS IS THIE HAPPY WARRIOR--THIS IS HE!I "'--VVordsworlh. age limits (how many were really over age but gave a wrong year of birth 1]tay not be mentioned). Between twenty and thirty men were enlisted, and doubtless many more preferred fo go straigbt fo London and attest af Victoria Street. King's Lynn (Mr. C. R. Leak).--Mr. Leak was asked by Mr. R. O. Ridley, Mayor of King's Lynn, to undertake the recruiting for the Brigade. The district was a bad one in which fo expect to get many men. 5If. Leak advertised in all the local papers within a radius of fifty toiles, and, unfoxoEunately for him, came into conflict with other people who vere also recruit- ing ïor the saine force. This trouble, however, was SOOli WORK AT THE RECRUITING CENTRES solved by lnaking the advertisement record that l[r. Leak was recruiting men for the same object. About thirty men were enlisted. Mr. Leak found that most of the eligible men had already joined the Territorials or other Corps formed in the district.. Guildford (Lieut.-Colonel W. Il. Sykes, late Royal Enginee's). --Colonel Sykes worked for the Brigade in face of great diffi- culties. Ile met with opposition froln the War Office recruiting officer, and had no assistance from the Town Recruiting Com- mittee. In spire of these drawbacks, an office was established and opened on September 7, 1914. llr. Il. Clayton Manisty rendered great assistance, as also Mr. Noel Ashley. Recruits came in before the office vas opened, and these were sent off fo London headquarters. In ail about forty recruits passed through Colonel Sykes's hands, some of whom, however, pre- ferred fo join the Sportsman's Battalion or the P.S. Special Corps. Many others, after gaining particulars, attested in London. On all points Guildford proved very useful, especially after good relations were established with the official recruiting ofiàcer. Worthing.Ir. W. E. Bennett was able to recïuit twenty- two men for the Brigade. Buxton.---Mr. A. Brown was able fo send about fifteen men, some of whom came from very long distances fo enlist. Carmarthen.--Mr. W. Sparrell worked very hard fo get recruits, but the field was Slnall. Many men journeyed fo London to attest, and seven were attested by 5Ir. Sparrell. Horsham.--Captain Willialns (Chief Constable) was able to secure betveen ten and tventy recruits. Bournemouth.--Colonel Sir William Watts was able directly and indirectly to send a good number of recruits to London for attestation. Aberystwyth.--Captain J. W. Marshall (Captain University College of Wales O.T.C.) was handicapped in recruiting for the TtIE tIISTORY OF TtIE " U.P.S." Brigade, as most of the men in his district were joining a similar contingent attached to the Welsh Army Corps, riz. : the 13th Royal Welsh Fusiliers. He was, however, able to send a few men. One of the chier difficulties which the War Office foresaw was finding officers for such a Brigade, bu the Committee undcrtook fo find all officers up fo and including, if neeessary, the tank of Major, ff'oto their own ranks. They were instructed fo prepare a list of sueh mon as thcy considered suitable candi- dates. Ïhis could hot be complcted until after the Brigade had been mobilized, but eventually, with ve3z few exceptions, every officer in the Brigade, excepting the Brigade Staï[ and Battalion Colnmanders, was selected by the Committee from men who had elflisted as privates, or who, though hOt actually enlisted, had bcen on the Committee, or had assisted them in raising the force. The Comlnittee's reeommendations as fo tank vere aceepted by the War Office en bloc. Critics might ask why this unheard-of procedure was adopted. In reply, if might be asked where was the War Office to find the men fo officer such a Brigade ? Surely ff'oto its own ranks. Now, the Army Council, in giving authority for the raising of the Brigade, had stipulated that the promoters should nmke all the necessary arrmgements for clothing, feeding, equip- ping, and housing. When the Committee was first forined they undertook to recruit the force, but they lmd hot anticipated the responsibility now thrown on theln. Naturally nmny of the melnbers were hot prepm'ed to undertake if, chiefly because they were them- selves eligible to join the force. There was also the prospect of financial liability. If was, therefore, decided to nmke the necessary arrangements for the Brigade to be mobilized immedi- ately, and to endeavour to rotin another Committee of older and more influential men to carry out the prospective large business THE MOBILIZATION 5 arrangements to confornl with the requirements of the Army Council. The Hon. Arthur Stanley, C.B., M.V.O., M.P., was persuaded to beeome ehairnmn of this new Committee, and the Brigade owes him a debt of gratitude for all he bas done for it, notwith- standing his heavy duties as ehairman of the British Red Cross Society. He immediately set to work to help in forming the second Committee. Messrs. Gordon Sclfridge, S. M. Gluekstein, and H. J. Boon were asked to join, and Mr. Howell was invited to be secretary. All aceepted, and at the beginning of October Mr. Stanley was fortunate in persuading Lord Lurgan, K.C.V.O., to beeome viee-chairman. IIere again the Brigade must eon- gratulate itself on having seeured sueh valuable services, as Lord Lurgan devoted his time to their welfare, and was able by his great, tact and ability to promote the best of feelings between the Brigade staff and O.C.'s of Battalions and the Committee. 5Iessrs. Gordon Selfl-idge and S. M. Gluekstein resigned after a short time. Mr. Julian Orde, at Mr. Stanley's request, then joined the Committee. It is well for all the members of the Brigade who read these lines fo east their minds baek to the last three months of the year 1914. They had joined up, and were training af Epsom, and were impatiently awaiting uniforms, equipment, and so forth, whieh seemed to them at that time would never arrive. On the other hand, the Committee had to provide these articles; in other words, they had fo purehase in markets already overburdened with orders from the Government, and the wonder is how these articles were provided as soon as they were. Iu this heavy and responsible work the kind and ever-ready help and adviee of Mr. Stanley and Lord Lurgan were always available, and proved invaluable. The Woodeote Park Com- mittee generously agreed to lend, free of eost, to the Brigade a portion of their estate at Woodeote Park, Epsom, for the 6 TE ISTORY OF THE " U.P.S." purpose of building a camp there. As it vas not possible to erect the hutments in a veek or so, it vas proposed to the War Office that the Brigade should be billeted in Epsom, Evell, Ashtead, and Leatherhead. This vas agreed to, and mobiliza- tion was decided on at once. Perhaps this was the largest piece of vork undertaken by the original Committee. The only assistance the War Office would give was to promise that, on receipt of the numbers and date of departure, special trains would be provided. Ail arrangements had to be completed by the Committec. The details of organization cntailed considerable discussion and thonght, and it vas finally decided to mobilize on two dates, Friday, September 18, for men living in London and within easy train journey, and for a first contingent of ïrom 200 to 800 ïrom Manchester, and Thursday, September 24, for men enlisted in the provinces. Notices were sent to every man by post, telling him wlmt to bring with him, the date, tine, and place of mobilization, and also a label bcaring a letter and nurnber to be attached to his bag. The time decided on was 12 noon, and the place I-Iyde Pro'k, opposite Knightsbridge Barracks. On the parade ground stakes were placed at intervals, each bearing a lctter and number corresponding to those on the labels which had been issued to the recruits. Each man, as he arrived on the ground, deposited lais bag at its corresponding letter and number on the stake, and then ïell in on a marker bearing the same label. As a fixed number of labels with each letter had been issued, the vhole of the contingent was in this way soon pm'aded in approximately equal companies. Roll-ealls had been prepared previously fo correspond, and the roll was called. Absentees were thus easily ehecked; the number vas renmrkably snmll. ]lotor-buses labelled vith the saine letters were lined up, and the correspondingly lettered bags were loaded up inside and on top. Thus the colunm stm'ted for Epsom. THE MOBILIZATION 47 From this accourir if may appear that the mobilization was a very simple marrer, and so it would have been but for the crowd. The excitement of those early days must be remem- bered, also the fact that for ten days or more these men had been pm'ading in tIyde Park and route-marching through London daily, and had caused no small stir. The orders for mobilization had been published in the Press, and, what with parents and relatives, onlookers and sightseers, it became almost impossible to parade the men. But, by dint of hard work and hearty co-operation on the part of the police, this was accom- plished at last, and they marched off anaid the ringing cheers of the crowd. The second portion was mobilized in nmch the saine way, but more expeditiously, as the first attempt had taught ifs lessons. In many ways, however, the second mobilization was more difficult, as the men came from all parts of the British Isles, and were strangers to their bodies and to each other. This detachment proceeded to Ashtead and formed later the 21st Battalion. The last detachment, composed of the balance of the 5Ian- chester Contingent, went straight through by special train from Manchester fo Leatherhead, where they arrived the saine evening. The account of the arrival and billeting of the men in Epsom, Ashtead, and Leatherhead, and of the training therc, is given in the following chapter. CHAPTER III EPSOM, ASHTEAD, AND LEATHERHEAD IN Epsom the 18th, 19th, and 50 per cent. of the 20th Batta- lions svere billeted. Ashtead vas the home of the 21st Battalion and Leatherhead of the remaining 50 per cent. of the 20th Battalion. As stated in the previous chapter, Epsom was " in- vaded" on September 18, 1914. An interesting account of this " invasion" appeared in The Epsou Herald. It is reproduced here by kind perlnission of the Editor : Epsom was invaded on Friday, but not by the Germans. Through its streets there was the nmrch of many men, but they were the sons of the British Empire. And though none of the 8,250 carried a rifle, and few were in khaki, they ail hope to be across the water and face to face with the German hosts in unusually quick rime. For they are very keen to be in the fighting line, are those who are members of the recently formed Old Public School and University Men's Force, a Brigade con- sisting of some of the very flower of the young manhood of the nation--fellows who bear with them the stamp of a vigorous, healthy, athlctic lire spent in the playing-fields of England, and on its rivers .... Epsom had its first sight of these about four o'clock on Friday afternoon, and from then until sleep drew the curtain clown the inhabitants had plenty to sec and talk about. The men arrived at the 13owns Station in special trains, and they marched via College Road and Alexandra Road to the wide part of the High Street. Train after train landed them at the foot of the Downs, and in ail about 8,200 arrived on Friday. The special constables of Epsom, who had 48 EPSOM, ASHTEAD, AND LEATHERHEAD 9 [The * l)ow-wow. '' ON GUARD, bccn mobilizcd for thc purposc, actcd as guides, and Icd the various contingcnts safcly to thc hcart of Epsom's famous little town .... And whcn all the componcnt parts of the invading army had assemblcd in thc centre of the place, what a sight the old High Strcct prcscntcd[ If has witncsscd many an animatcd picture from thc days whcn Ncll Gwynne and all the ïashionablcs paraded up and down, and ïrivolity rcigned suprcmc, but it opencd ifs cycs ai somcthing new and strange on Friday. • . . Its curiosity was first stirrcd up by sccing tcn London motor omnibuscs arrive, packcd hot with thc usual human ïrcight, but with soldiers' kit-bags. (all very new), and Gladstonc bags and drcssing-cascs of varylng agc and sizc. Thcy wcrc placcd on the road, and, as in all thcy numbcrcd more than 3,000, the 7 50 TtIE IIISTORY OF TIIE " U.P.S." spectacle was a remarkable one, hot only for the ghosts of ]Epsom, who were providcd with q.uite a new experience, but for the inhabitants, who had never nnagined they would see the tIigh Street carpetcd in such a manner. And still the wonder grew as there came marching into the street companies and companies of men .... It may be that all the members of the Old Public School and University Men's Force are nineteen years old, but, if so, several of them are cxtraordinarily, young- looking for their age. Some, when getting sworn m, may bave forgotten the year of their nativity. If so, we are sure the good angels who desire to sec the righteous cause of the Allies triumph tUrned a blind eye to any little defect of memory .... For the purposes of billeting the town had been divided into districts, the A (alplmbetical) Company being marehed to the A District, the B .Company to the B District., and so on. The men were then, in the order in which they stood in a street, billeted in the houses in the order in which these came. ... At the saine rime as the occupants of the bouses were speculating as to what kind of visitors they would have alloeated to them, the lnental thoughts of the visitors were at work speculating upon what kind of " digs" they would get, and probably never belote in their lives did they so intently gaze upon the dwellings of men and women with a view to gaining some idea of the conditions within .... It was late in the evening belote all the men got billeted. Not all were sent to the houses, for about sixty were billeted at the Public Hall and a number at the Co-operative Hall. A great many of the men --some of whom had corne from Manehester--were able to sit down at 7 or 8 o'elock fo the first meal they had had sinee the em'ly hours of the day. To the householders, police, and special constables of Epsom the deep thanks of the U.P.S. are due. They greatly appre- ciated all that these different people did to make them comfortable and welcome, notwithstanding the very short notice, with its consequent upsetting of domestic arrangements. On Saturday morning the men paraded in the IIigh Street, afterwards marching to Woodcote Park, the site of their new EPSOM, ASHTEAD, AND LEATHERHEAD 51 bornes. There the work of forming the Battalions commenced. It was also decided, as soon as convenient, to rebillet the men according to Battalions. This was carried out during the week- end. The Brigade Office was situated in Waterloo House, that old historie building to which in the days gone by the gay bility came, ostensibly for the purpose of drinking Epsom's noted waters, but in reality to participate in the revelry, gambling, dancing, a.nd eock-fighting which prevailed both day and night. Opposite Waterloo House is the dilapidated Tun Beer-house. This building was commandeered and sufficiently restored internally to nmke a serviceable Brigade Post Office. The men were very happy in Epsom, and the kindness and hospitality of the inhabitalffS of Epsom, Ashtead, and Leather- head were and are still nmch appreciated. The various societies and clubs kindly placed their rooms at the disposal of the members of the Brigade, and many happy hours were passed in these places. Offen have membcrs of the U.P.S., when on short leave from the ff-ont, lnanaged to spare a few hours in order to visit their old billets and friends. About this rime differences arose between the nominal officers in charge of thc Brigade and the Committee, with the result that the whole Committee was summoned to appear at the War Office on Sunday, Septelnber 20, af 3 p.m. At this meeting the position of affairs was reviewed and discussed. As a result Colonel R. Gordon Gihnour, C.B., C.V.O., D.S.O., Grenadier Guards, was appointed Brigadier, and a promise was given that as soon as possible COlnmandilg officers for the Battalion would be appointed. On Thursday, September 2, the remaining 2,000 lnen arrived at Ashtead and Leatherhead, the saine plan of organisa- tion being adopted as in the case of the first party. A sketch of conditions in Ashtead and Leatherhead appeared 52 TtIE tIISTORY OF TtIE " U.P.S." in The Standard of Octobcr 1, 191, from which we nmke the following extracts : Ashtead is one of the most picturesque of Surrey's many pretty villages. The shopping centre is about a toile away from thc station, the road leading thereto being lined on either sidc by large villa residences, standing in their own grounds and well back from the roadway. As a matter of fact, about 80 per cent. of the houses in Ashtead are occupicd by London business men and well-to-do tradesmen, and it will be easily rcalised that the young public school men when thcy reached thc villagc a week ago round that they had fallen into extremely comfortablc billeting arrangcments. The residcnts gavc them a cordial welcome, and as a result their liard work in the ficld has been very largely compcnsated by the generous hospitality of their enforced hosts. The men stationed at Ashtead arc from public schools in the Midland provinces, with a sprinkling of men wearing the blue-grey uniform of the Cambridge University O.T.C. There is also a sprinkling of men from Ireland, Scotland, and Wales. At Lcatherhead the accommodation of the contingent stationed there is said to be admirable, and the men say that thcy are being most hospitably treated. They are billeted in the larger houses, and the motherly housewives cannot do too nmch to make as comfortable as possible the lads who have wrenched themselves away from their homes to take up service for their country .... Leatherhead seems to be drill mad. As soon as one arrives at the station any rime before sunset he hears the eternal " Left, right! left, right!" and military orders smartly rapped out. Lire at Ashtead was described by Private W, illiam M. t/orne in a letter to The |Fhitby Gazette: ... Rouglfly speaking, we commence at seven, and have section drill or physical drill; breakfast at 8; to resume drill again at 9.30; dinner at about 12.15, after which we get a good rest until 2.30, when the whole Battalion " fall in " on the battalion parade ground---Ashtead Commonfor a route- EPSOM, ASHTEAD, AND LEATHERHEAD 53 march, xvhich lasts nominally until 5 o'clock, though usually if is a little later, xvhich, considering out objcct here is fo gct out of the chrysalis stage of soldicrs into real useful " Tommies," does not marrer af all, for when we dismiss we are free until the ncxt luorning... '. All the drill is reminisccnt of school days and days of the Norfl-Eastern County Schools Ofliccrs' Training Corps; but fhcn, af limes, xve vcre ready fo shirk a little; now, hoxvcvcr, thcre is an objcct in viexv, and xve are not drilling for drilling's sake, we are drilling fo bccome rcady, as soon as possible, fo go whcre fhe tacfics of fhe Huns nccessifate new forces--going in ordcr fo make England, whcn pcace is sighted, a bctter and happicr home. The real enjoymcnt, though, is in thc routc- marching. In ifsclf, as somcthing fo look ai, if is "grcat" .... We exfend, xvhcn lnarching four abreasf, over a quarfcr of a toile comforfably. When lny own Company--Company A-- some 220 of USlnarchcd past the " billet " last xveck, if was fhought xvc vcre nevcr going fo end, but, xvhen there are 1,200 of us marching in companies, and each company about twcnfy yards apart, if is easy fo imagine we seeln a long rime in getting past anywhere .... If is glorious marehing along these lovely lanes of Surrey, with thcir lofty trees, and high, over- hanging hedges off whieh we nalmge fo gather brambles as we pass. The building of the Camp in Woodcote Park vas nov eolnmeneed, 5Iessrs. Humpbreys, Ltd., of Knightsbridge, being the eontraetors. The preliminary work was greatly aeeelerated by the daily assistance of between 400 and 500 men of the Brigade, many of whom were skilled in engineering, surveying, and draughtsnmnship. The original plan was fo build 100 huts fo aeeommodate fifty men in each. If was, however, early realised that a camp more or less aeeording fo War Office plans would be a neeessity, and this eonsiderafion of course eonsiderably lengthened the rime whieh if was originally esti- mated would be taken in eompleting the building of the camp. .[r. H. B. Longley, F.S.I., M.S.A., of Epsom, was appointed 54 THE HISTORY OF THE " U.P.S." architect fo the Committee, and did excellent work, assisted by Messrs. D. Robinson and Rayner, members of the Brigade. The task which the Committee had undertaken was indeed a heavy one. They had to build a camp to accommodate 5,400 men and nearly 200 officers, to equip the camp, to arrange for an cfficient water and drainage system, to install an electric light system, and fo make the necessary roads. In addition to this, as rclatcd in the previous chapter, all the men's clothing and equiplnent bad to be provided by the Comlnittee by private purehase, and, further, most of the articles had first to be approved by the Ordnanee and Clothing Departlnents. To add to the Committee's worries, delay in the building of the camp oeeurred owing to the atrocious weather conditions and inade- quate transport facilities prevailing. The War Office w,s inundated during all this time with inquiries from all quarters. The Comnaittee realized that undue referenee to the authorities for information and for authority for one thing or another would seriously delay nmtters in the then eongested state of the War Office, and they deeided there- fore to go their own way, and the result proved this to be the wisest course. In the meantime the Brigade was in hard training although still in mufti. To distinguish officers and N.C.O.s, the former wore on the lapel of thcir coats red ribbon and the latter white. The Epsom Herald gives a good idea of their appearance and training about this I rime: During the week the inhabitants have had more and more confirmed their first impression that the 8,800 soldiers-in-the- making stationed at Epsom are as fine a body of men as the country could produce. Their average height is remarkably good, and splendid are the gcneral physical proportions of the great majority of the men. Many of them are wide in the shoulder and deep in the chest, and full of the muscle that has been EPSOM, ASHTEAD, AND LEATHERHEAD 55 developed by hard exercise and the keen pursuit of manly gaines . . . and as soon as one sees them swinging through the streets of Epsom with an ease of bearing and an upright earriage that betokens p.erfeet physieal fitness, there cornes the certain conviction that in a few weeks' rime the members of the Old Publie Sehools and University Force will be a magnifieent body of soldiers. Allied to their physieal endowments are other assets. These men who have had sueh good faeilities for the develop- ment of the powers of the intellect as well as of the body, are in the drilling ground showing a rapidity in absorbing what is imparted to them by instruetors that far exeeeds the speed in lem-ning attained in the drill-ground as a rule .... And the people of Epsom have taken to theln beeause of the eon- seientious, quiet manner in whieh they apply themselves fo their training duties, and beeause they show in the houses in whieh they are billeted eonsidcration and all the other true instinets of gentlemen .... Any young man who is spoken of as a " niee boy" by the lady folk may be ticketed off as a right good sort of fellow, and, aeeording to the feminine judgment, the members of the force now training at Epsom are--the great majority of them -« Very niee boys." . . . Every morning during the week the bugle has been heard sounded in the streets at a quarter to six, and again at ten--the reveille and Lights Out. The men have to parade eaeh morning at half-past six. The inhabitants, when they wake to the sound of the early morning nmsie, think it is very kind of the buglers fo eall up their eomrades, but wonder who ealls up the buglers. Many of the P.S. Royal Fusiliers follow their ordinary daily lire occupations whieh do hot neeessitate such early greeting of the morn, and this getting out of bed eaeh day about six may be among their new experienees .... The meals during the day have been at 9, 1, and 5.80. Three meals have to be supplied, and in a number of cases the men m'e getting a fourth, for there is a long interval between the rime they leave off and have their third meal and bed-time. The men cannot, without perlnission, go outside a rive-mlle radius, aud there are certain places in the parish which are « out of bounds." A writer in The Standard gave an interesting account, which is worth preserving, of fle " uniform " of the period: 5ô TttE ttlSTOR¥ OF ttE " U.P.S." The Public Schools Corps is a strange-looking lot of men. Thcy m-e all at Epsom in " thcir old things." Somc wcar old .public-school scarves and collcgc swcatcrs. The populm" fancy in hcad-covcring is thc golf-cap, usually worn wcll over the lcft car. Thc rcst of thc raimcnt is nondcscript, bcing mostly grcy or brown shooting or riding outfit. But the boots--thcy wcrc madc hcavy, and thcy clatter well on thc payements. Each " lnan " of thcsc boys is dcnotcd by a cardboard badge which hc wcars in thc lapcl of his cour, bcaring thc lcttcrs in bluc U.P.S. Thc officers arc disthaguishcd by a rcd sign .... The U.P.S. was in one sense the most democratic Brigade in the Army. Nearly all the men started level, and were pro- moted aceording to their ability. On Oetober 11 the first lot of rifles were reeeived200 to eaeh battalion. At this period it was ruade known that thc following oflïeers would constitute the staff and eommand the various battalions. Brigade Slaff : Brigadicr-Gcneral R[ Gordon Gilmour, C.B., C.V.O., D.S.O. Major H. E. Raymond. Capt. R. /-Icrmon-/-Iodgc, M.V.O. 18th Battalion, Colonel Lord tIcnry Scott. 19th Bat.talion, Lieut.-Colonel W. Gordon. 20th Battalion, Lieut.-Colonel C. IL Bcnnctt, D.S.O. 21st Battalion, Lieut.-Colonel J. Stuart Wortley. On October 13, 191, the King inspected the Brigade. By tIis M,jesty's rcqucst no review movements were arranged, thc ,500 men being seen undcr ordinary training conditions. The 18th and 19th Battalions paraded on Epsom Downs near the Grand Stand. The Kiug, who was accompanied by Major Clive Wigram, inspected each company, walking down the ranks. After a visit to Woodcote Pro'k, where two colnpanies were busy helping to erect the huts, the King went on to Ashtead, where EPSOM, ASHTEAD, AND LEATHERItEAD 57 he sav the 21st ]Jattalion. Then the journey was continued to Leatherhead, where the 20th ]3attalion was inspected. In conversation with the officers after the inspection, the King said he had inspected 200,000 recruits, and the members of the Public School Brigade were the finest he had scen. Itis Majcsty also expressed surprise at the advanced stage of thc training in so short a time. In The London Gazette on October 26, the following list of appointments made to the Brigade appeared: 1st Battalion.The I-Ion. George A. Akers-Douglas, to be Adj. and temp. Capt. To be temp. Major: James Westwood- Henderson. To be temp. Capts. : Samuel N. DMe, Harold C. Hicks, Herbert E. Bowes-Lyon, and John G. C. Leech. To be temp. Lieuts. : Owen Price-Edwards, Patrick M. Spcnce, Launcelot A. Hutchinson, Rcginald C. Bcattie, and Cyril O. Skey. To be temp. Sec. Lieuts. : Reginald G. Groom, Jolm S. Burton, Edward P. Hallowes, Harold ]3. Baker, Henl T Smurthwaite, James S. Annan, Thistle Robinson, Carl W. Jensen, Donald Hazeldine, Gerard P. Hayes, Francis R. ]3acon, Humphrey E. Bowman, Cyril F. Johnston, Cecil F. Brymer, Norman J. Holloway, Alban C. P. Arnold, and Dudley M. H. Jewell. 2nd Battalion.--To be temp. Majors: Frank Warner-Abbatt and Roland H. Hermon-Hodge, M.V.O. To be temp. Capts. : Charles C. ]3radley, Frederick H. Shove, Robert W. Hammond, George C. Shipster, Hem T M. Tuitc, Herbert Oakes-Jones, and Reginald A. Helps. To be temp. Licuts. : John Aylmer, Christopher ]3. Simpson, Charles H. Skey, Leonard ]3. Helder, Edward G. ]3annister, Eric M. I. ]3uxton, and Hugh G. M. ]3radley. To be temp. Sec. Lieuts. : Charles E. S. Loxley, John A. Robin, Cecil S. Meares, Robert A. Darney, Herbert C. Hatton-Hall, Alfred F. Jolly, Thomas E. Maddocks, Philip Ingoldson, Han T A. Riddle, and Edward R. Pallctt. Frederick Patou to be temp. Q.-toaster with the hon. rank of Lieut. 3rd Battalion.--Herbert E. P. Townsend to be Adj. and temp. Major. To be temp. Major, Edward J. Stuart. To be temp. Capts. : Herbert H. J. Hickley, John F. H. Templer, John R. Holden, Charles Yorston, Alfred L. Ladcnburg, William F. Macdonald, Herbert J. Edleston, and Thomas L. ]3oyce. To be temp. Lieuts. : George H. Spilspar-Potter, John W. Heinemann, 8 58 THE HISTORY OF THE " U.P.S." Thomas M oy l:e, Leonard D. Cane, Daniel L. G. Pi- gache, George G. Ziegler, Charles P. Schwabe, and David Cuthbert. To be temp. Sec. Lieuts. : Eric T. Wright, Allen Maxwell, Mon- tague tI. M. Hunter, Clive S. Fraser, David W. Hollings- worth, Douglas S. Hodgson - Jones, Herbert Wallworth, George W. Usher, and BeoEl'am R. Dclbos. 4th Battalion.-- Lieut. Sir Robert J. M. Walker, Bt., Coldstream Guards, Special Reserve, to be Adj. and temp. Capt. To be temp. Majors : Herbert F. Fenn and John C. ttartley. To be temp. Capts.: George F. Beal, Russell P. Gould, [The « Pow-wow." A HOPELESS DAWN. Phipps E. Stanley, and John V. Betts. To be temp. Lieuts. : Guy Goldthorp, ttenry Franklin, Richard tt. Whittington, Alfred G. Revill, Christopher G. Rathbone, Guy C. N. Maekarness. To be temp. Sec. Lieuts. : Iterbert W. Ling, ttarold W. Smith, Allen ttarris, Richard V. ttart-Davis, Douglas ttoole, Gilbert E. R. Meakin, Edwin R. Wilmshurst, and Lewis J. Cooke. Frederiek Spearing to be temp. Quartermaster with the hon. tank of Lieut. Periodieally lectures were given to the oflîeers and men af EPSOM, ASHTEAD, AND LEATHERHEAD 59 the Public Hall, Epsom, Drill Hall, Leatherhead, and also in Ashtead. We reproduce here the list of the first two courses of lectures, in order to give some idea of the variety of subjects included. The first course was as follows: 8ubject. I. Health of the Soldier 2. History of the Var 3. 1870-1914 4. The Japanoso Soldior 5. Tho Kaiser as I know I-Iim 6. Tho Invasion of England Dr. C. W. Saleoby, F.R.S.E. Dr. H. S. Holo-Shaw, F.R.S. M. Emilo Lesago. Mr. A. Diosy, F.R.G.S. Mr. Spencer Leigh-Hughos, II.P. lIr. H. Pouncy. The second course was of a more strictly military nature The subjects and lecturers were: Subject. 1. Discipline 2. Military Hygiene 3. First 4. Entrenching 5. Outposts and Scouts 6. Marching 7. Cooking 8. Explanations as to the Belligerents and any Peculiarities regarding their Methods of Warfare 9. Uso of Stars from a Military Point of Viow 10. iIuskotry 11. Oporations in Winter 12. Hints regarding Lire in Camp Lecturer. Dr. I-I. S. Hele-Shaw, F.R.S. Dr. C. V. Saleeby, F.R.S.E. Dr. Davey.  Generl Ruck, R.E., C.B. •  Sir Edward Rabn, K.C.B. Gcnerl Sir R. Baden-Powell, K.C.B. Dr. H. S. Hele-Shaw, F.R.S. lIr. Herman Senn. Colonel Maude, R.E., C.B. Dr. H. S. Hele-Shaw, F.R.S. Captain Acland (late R.A.). Colonel Mead. Dr. C. W. Saleeby, F.R.S.E. By the beginning of November several hundred men had left the Brigade to take up commissions, and it had been an- nounced that 150 members of the Brigade between the ages of nineteen and twenty-five would be given a three months' course of training free at Sandhurst if they were ready to take up permanent commissions. 60 THE HISTORY OF THE " U.P.S." On Friday, November 13, lIajor-General Sir Francis Lloyd inspected the Brigade on the Downs. At this rime the strength of the Brigade was about 4,500. 240 luore recruits had joined, 170 being posted to the 21st and 70 to the 20th Battalion. Nothing eventful occurred belote Christmas, field-days, " night-ops," etc., taking up the tilne. About this rime 5Iajor Ra.ymond lcft the Brigade and Capt. I-Iermon-IIodge was gazetted Brigade lIajor. Christmas leave was granted to 50 per cent. of the Brigade and the remaindcr went on lcave at the New Year. The men had now bcen in billets for fifteen weeks, and those who had to spend Christmas in billets could hot speak too highly of the hospitable manncr in which they were entertained. During the first week in Jammry about 100 recruits arrived af Leatherhead ff'oto 5.Ianchestcr. About this tilne the controversy regarding commissions came to a head and during the following months letters con- tinually appeared in the Press on the subject, urging the country's uced for officers and indicating the U.P.S. Brigade as the evident source of supply. Many men were applying for commissions, but these applications did hOt in ail cases meet with encourage- ment froln the commanding officcrs. One correspondent writing for The Morning Post on ]Iarch 31, 1915, stated that the Val" Office had issued an order that the veto used so stenlly by C.O.'s would be withdrawn for the moment, but that this order had been contcmptuously ignored by the C.O.'s of thc U.P.S. Brigade. The lettcr continued: Is if to the general good of the Arlny that, af a tilne when olTicers are urgently needed, men who should be ofiïcers should be kept in the ranks as privates, who should fill the vacant places ? Men of university and public school training; men who bave been for ye«rs in the O.T.C. ; men who have handled men, men who have lnade great sacrifice, to serve ? Certainly BRIGADIER-GENERAL R. GORDON GIL.IOUR, C.Bo, C.V.O., D.S.O. ,60] • -}! .2.< .1 EPSOM, ASHTEAD, AND LEATHERHEAD 61 not. They are in the ranks, and in the ranks they must remain. Their C.O.'s must be eonsidered first. Neither War Oflïee orders, nor men, nor the highest interests of the nation in peril eount. We quote the above in order to show the feeling that existed amongst the general public. Many other letters to the same effect could be cited. In fairness to the O.C.'s of Bat- talions it shoald be stated that the Committee were in close communication with the War Office on the subject, and that their nfling was taken in the matter. During the second week in January the following Brigade order appeared: The G.O.C. is authorized by the Secretary of State for War fo state that the Brigade is not to be utilized as an O.T.C., and that nothing is further from Lord Kitchener's intention than this should be so. About this rime over 1,000 men had left to take up coin- missions, and no doubt this order from the War Oflïee was intended to check the tendeney of so many of the men to apply for commissions. On April 15 the Committee of the Publie Sehools Brigade replied through the Press to its many eorrespondents and crities as follows : PUBLIC SCHOOLS BRIGADE REPLY TO CRITICISMS To the Editor o[ SIR, ° Out a££ention has been ca]led fo correspondence which bas appeared in £he Press with regard o £he sc]cction of members of the Public Schools Brigade for commissions in £he Army, and, in view of £he erroneous statcments which bave bcen mde, we think tha the true position of affairs should bc ruade known. 62 TtIE tIISTORY OF TtIE " U.P.S." In September last the War Office authorized the raising of a Brigade, to consist in all of 5,400 public school and university men. Recruiting was energetically carried on, and we reached a total of very little short of that number. The need for officers for the new Army then began to make itself apparent, and, as was natural, in a Brigade composed practically entirely of public school and university men, large numbers began fo be taken from our ranks to receive commissions in other regilnents. This went on without any check until early in the year, when the Brigadier-General and officers of the Brigade and the men under tbem began to fear that the Brigade had practically been turned into an Officers' Training Corps, and approached our Committee with a view fo ascertaining the exact position. We therefore ruade inquiries from those in authority at the War Office, and received assurances that the Brigade was intended fo continue to exist as a unit., and not as an Officers' Training Corps. Further, ve were assured that there vas no intention of drawing upon the Brigade for more offieers exeept in speeial cases, of which there would only be a small number. At that rime 1,700 men had already been reeommended for commissions. Sinee then further need for officers had arisen. We, realizing this, agreed fo more men being taken, and when this new demand on us has been satisfied a total of not less than -8,08-8 men will have been taken altogether out of out Brigade. We think it is only fait fo the Brigade itself and to our- selves as a Committee to make public these faets and figures, which speak for themselves, and surely afford a eonelusive answer to the criticisms that have appeared fo the effect that the Brigadier-General and his officers, and we as a Committee, have put obstacles in the way of men obtaining commissions. Ail the men who are fit for and desirous of commissions have now been reeommended for appointment. AIWHuI SwAr,Y, Chairman. LuaGAr, Vice-Chairman. H. J. BOON. J. W. ORDEX Committee o[ the Public School Brigade, Royal tusiliers, Committee Room 65, 88 Pall Mall, S.W., April 15. EPSOM, ASHTEAD, AND LEATHERHEAD 63 Many discussions have Caken place since Chose days by U.P.S. men, and Che prevailing opinion is Chat if was a great mistake hot fo have turned the Brigade in ifs infancy into an O.T.C. There is a unanimous feeling also that the 20th Batta- lion was hot fairly treated and a great amount of ill-feeling was expressed in ManchesCer. Although we are unable ¢o give the exact figures, there is no doubt that the percentage of the lnen of this Battalion who were recommended for commissions, compared with those of the other three Battalions, was very small indeed. After the above letter vas published further need arose for officers. These were supplied, but fresh demands vere continually ruade, and, as a result, the 18th, 19th, and 21st Battalions were eventually disbanded in France. Over 7,000 officers were supplied from the Brigade since it was raised. This is a unique record, which has never been, and probably never will be, equalled. Such a result of untiring work on behalf of the Brigade vas far beyond the expectations of the members of both eommittees. It would have been a sin fo have sent the Brigade as originally raised fo the firing line. No finer body of men was ever assembled, and it was apparent in the early days in I-Iyde Park that the nation possessed in the Brigade a wonderful ready-made source of supply of offieers. No member of the old U.P.S. need regret his eonneetion with if, and probably there are few who are hot proud of having once been members of the famous Brigade, and who will hOt without pleasure and regret look baek on those happy days spent at Epsom, Ashtead, and Leatherhead. Nor will they ever forger the hospitality and kindness of the inhabitants of these towns, whieh ruade the many weeks spent there pass so happily. During January attention was direeted fo the progress ruade in the building of the camp. It was diffieult even then fo 64 TtIE tIISTORY OF TtIE " U.P.S." forecast vhen the huts vould be ready for occupation. Efforts were concentrated on the lines designated for the 20th Battalion. The buildings in the Farm Camp which had been allotted to the 18th Battalion were well advanced, but much work still remained to be donc before the quarters of either Battalion would be fit for occupation. The outdoor work had been, and was still, seriously delayed by the prevailing wet weather. On Friday, January 22, Lord Kitchener, accompanied by the French War Minister, M. Millerand, inspected the Brigade on Epsom Downs. This inspection will not easily be forgotten by the U.P.S., as there was a heavy sr, ow-storm at the time, and the Downs were covered with snow several inches thick. The inspection only lasted about rive minutes, after which Lord Kitchener left to inspect more troops at- Aldershot. The Epsom IIerald gave an interesting little picture of the scene : Several years have corne and gone since the district had such a visitation of ShOW . . . ,and the ground was well covered • . . by the rime any one anxious to witness the inspection had begun to make the necessary ascent. It was surprising how many people did commence the ascent, considering the most abnormal weather conditions. To suddenly plunge into a snow- storm of the kind prevailing required some little courage on the part of ladies, but quite a large number of them marched through the snow, already several inches deep, on to the Downs, and waited there for some time to sec Lord Kitchener. There were the troops also to sec, but there was no march past, and in the bad snow-storm light, the vision could envelop only those soldiers standing close to one. Had the day been a very clear one, the eye would have absorbed far more of the military picture. The Downs have not, hitherto, been the background for such a picture, one so big, and one so breathing the spirit of serious- ness. Seriousness and silence often go hand in hand. They did on this occasion, and the spectators, who would not have braved such a snow-storm for any ordinary thing, felt that they were present at proceedings which will be remembered as forming a notable chapter in the history of the Downs .... 111 EPSOM, ASHTEAD, AND LEATHERHEAD 65 Among those who saw the War Secretary were some of the Belgian wounded soldiers. Thus Great Britain, France, and Belgium had sons on the Downs on Friday, sons united by a spirit of unconquerable confidence. When, if ever, will the Downs again sec anything so remarkable as if sav on Friday last ? In an article which later appeared in Le Petit Parisien M. Millerand was repoloEed as stating that he was able to asceloEain that, froln a physical point of view, the troops he saw at Epsom and Aldershot could hot be surpassed. What must have impresscd M. Millerand during his visit to England was not, continues the writer, the number of men already with the colours, or flowing into the recruiting offices, but their physical and moral qualities and the remarkablc dcgree of perfection of thcir training .... Not only are these men of high physical standard, however; the rive months' training day and night in every kind of weather under conditions whieh, except for the shells and bullets, were praetically the saine as those experieneed by their comrades at the front, have turned them into trained soldiers, equal fo the very best of out own. There tan be no doubt that these British armies are equal to the best, and, whatever may be the resourees of Gerlnany in men, she ean never oppose to them troops possessing the same qualities. Troops worn out by six or seven nlonths in the field, nlen of the Landsturln, or recruits sixteen or seventeen years old, however enthusiastie and however patriotie, will never be able to resist them. These new armies are essentially national and democratic, and it is because of this that they will go into the firing line with the saine élan, the saine bravery, and the saine spirit of sacrifice as out own soldiers. In January a Brigade recruiting office was opened at 20 Westminster Palace Gardens, London, S.W. This was organised and run by the 21st Battalion, and was instrulnental in enrolling many recruits. During this month a large portion of the tilne was spent in digging trenehes af Caterham and Woldinghaln. 9 66 TI-IE I-IISTORY OF TI-IE " U.P.S." I-Iere we may give a brief account of some of the more noteworthy football matches which the Brigade played during this pcriod. The first important match was a Rugby one against thc Canadian contingent. The following account is from the Pow-Wow of December 23, 191: This match was playcd on the Richmond Athlctic Ground on Saturday, Dcccmbcr 12, and the procccds were fo be equally dividcd betwccn H.M. thc King of the Bclgians' Fund and the Richmond Bclgian Rcfugecs' Fund. The ground was in nmgni- ficcnt condition, though slightly on the soif side, whilst the wcathcr was somcwhat misty with scarccly any brcezc. When the gamc comlncnccd, flcrc was an attcndance of about 3,000, which total includcd fully 1,000 U.P.S. mcn and a vcry nice smattcring of smartly drcsscd ladics. The teams took thc ficld just aftcr 3 o'clock, flfis being twcnty minutes bchind the schedulcd rime for the kick-off. Thcse spare minutes wcre enlivcncd by the U.P.S. boys singing some of thcir drawing-rooln choruscs and shouting the step fo any late arrivais, whilst one cntcrprising kincma opcrator thought the waiting crowd wcll worthy of a fev special fihns. The Canadians sportcd purple and hclio-striped jcrscys and the U.P.S. wore rcd and black. The tcams lincd out as follows: Canadians : Back, Pte. tI. HogaloEh ; three-quarters, Pte. M. Bcll-Irving, Pte. O. Fyson, Pte. A. P. Baker, Pte. Lothian ; half-backs, Capt. F. Bournes, Pie. G. C. Grant; forwards, Pte. L. M. Spiers, Ptc. D. H. Bell, Capt. R. Thorburn, Pte. R. Gillcspie, Pte. C. Cremn, Pte. J. Lloyd, Pte. W. G. Grey, Capt. Ravenhill (Capt.). Public Schools and Universities' Brigade : Back, Pte. T. W. L. Strothcr; thrcc-qumoEcrs, l'te. IIill, Ptc. Watt, Pte. King, Lieut. G. G. Zicglcr; half-backs, Ptc. Sicvright and Pte. Braid- ford; forwards, Capt. Hcincmalm, Pte. T. C. Burdctt, Ptc. J. Ismay, Lieut. F. G. Matthcws, Pte. T. Scott, Pte. McKenzie, Ptc. McKay, Pte. Walkcr. Re]eree : Lieut. B. C. I-Iartley. Touch Judge: G. Rowland tIill. T. C. Burdctt, thc Lcicestcr forward, kicked off for the U.P.S., and the first scrum was formcd close to the C.'s 25-line. EPSOM, ASHTEAD, AND LEATHERHEAD 67 MESS ORDEI/LY : " XVtIAT I ASKING FOR MORE ? " l'TE. O. TV'IST : "' NO ; ASIKING lvOP, SOME 1 '" [The «, low_wow.,, This position was hot held for long, for the C.'s rushcd the ball down to the U.'s 25 and within three minutes of the kick-off Grant opened their scoring with a beautiful drop goal. This early reverse put vigour into the U.'s, and, as a result of their efforts, the C.'s were forced to touch down. Both teams were now going at it hamnaer and tongs, the Canadian forwards show- ing some fine bursts, with a counter brilliance of the U.'s three-quarters in defence, the gaine being mostly contested in the C.'s half. A free kick was awarded U.P.S. on thcir own 25, but no advantage gained. The U.'s tried very hard to open up the gaine with some good rounds of passing, but the C.'s tackling was exceptionally 68 THE HISTORY OF THE " U.P.S." keen and sale. One promising movement initiated on the right, a quarter of an hour after the start, was spoilt by Watt, and another round by the U.'s immediately after caused the C.'s to touch down. The U.P.S. were hOt fo be denied, howeveï, and seventeen minutes after the kick-off they notched their first point as the result of Lieut. Ziegler cross-kicking on the C.'s 25, so that Hill, gathering the ball and beating Irving and Hogarth, scored behind the posts. ]3urdett took the kick, but failed to eonvert. The U.'s eontinued fo press, and a free kick on the C.'s 25, from a fairly easy angle, taken by 13urdett, failed. From the 25 kick a rush was ruade by the U.P.S., which again foreed the C.'s to toueh down. After this, for the first rime sinee thci" opening score, the C.'s obtained a footing on the U.'s 25 line, where there was a brief stoppage for a C. who was winded. Although eonfined fo their own ha.If the C.'s forwards had pla.yed , grand gaine, and worked wonderfully hard. The U.P.S. soon returned to the attack, their forwards showing some fine bursts. They xvere ail but over when the ball was kieked dead. Following the drop out, the C.'s, by a grand forward rush, again reaehed the U.'s 25 line, when half-time was ealled with the score reading: C.'s 1 dropped goal (a, points); U.P.S., 1 try (a points). Following the re-start, the play was taken into the C.'s half, where the U.P.S. started a round of passing--all the baeks participating until the ball reaehed Lieut. Ziegler, who ïan well and re-passed fo King, who seored behind the posts. Seott eonverted. The C.'s then pressed hard and reaehed the U.P.S. goal-line, where for some rime they worked desperately hard to break throngh. The U.P.S. defenee was grand, and at last they ïeaehed the half-way line, only to be driven baek again to their own 25. Lient. Ziegler was pl,ying a magafifieent gaine, and mainly owing fo lais efforts mid-field was again reaehed. The gaine was fast and furious, and the C.'s efforts were af last rewarded by Gillespie gaining an unimproved try in the extreme left- hand corner a quarter of an hour after the interval. This brought the score to U.P.S. 8 points, C.'s 7 points, and the C.'s still pressing. The U.P.S. worked hard, but eonld hot get beyond the half-way line. The Canadian forwards at this stage were play- EPSOM, ASHTEAD, AND LEATHERHEAD 69 ing finely, and, had it not been for the plucky and safe gather- ing of the ball from their feet by Strother, they must surely have had their efforts rewarded. The U.'s line was still in danger, but in spite of this they elected fo play the open gaine, and a round of passing, initiated on thcir own 25 line, passing and re-passing, ended in Braidforth scoring under the posts and Scott converting. With Olfly ten minutes to go thc C.'s continued fo press, mainly by the splendid work of their forwards, and were very soon again close to the U.P.S. line. By this time it was be- coming difficult fo see across the ground owing fo thc mist and failing light. A mark, lnade by the C.'s wide out, resulted iu Hogarth kicking a goal. Two minutes later the final whistle sounded, with the scores standing: U.P.S., 2 goals 1 try (13 points) ; Canadians, 2 goals (1 drop), 1 lnark, and 1 try (10 points). There was hot a man on either side who played a bad gaine. The Canadian forwards were maglfificent, and certainly too good for the U.P.S. back, both in the scrum and in the open. Their rushes were full of vigour. Although outclassed, the U.P.S. pack worked hard. Behind the scrum the U.P.S. were a long way superior fo the C.'s. The halves took evcry possible opportunity of opcning up the gaine, and the three- quarters gave some good exhibitions of passing. Lieut. Ziegh'r was the best man on the field. The defence of both teams was good, the tackling throughout bcing clean and crisp. Both sidcs played a good hard gaine, and the score of 13 points fo 10 in the U.P.S. favour represents fair]y the difference in the wo tetns. On Saturday, January 2, 1915, the Public Schools Brigade played a Rugby match against the Northern Comlnand af Queen's Club, and beat theln by 12 points fo 10. The pro- eeeds of this nmtch, whieh mnounted fo over £60, were given to the Prince of Wales's Fund. We take the following aeeount froln The Referee of January 3: The Public Schools Brigade, thongh hcavily handicapped by severe lnilitary duties and restricted leave, was able to beat the Northern Command, whom they met af Queen's Club yestcr- day in a lnatch for the benefit of the Prince of Wales's Fund. There was a very fair attendance, but most of the spcctators wore khaki. 70 TIlE IIISTORY OF TIlE " U.P.S." If xvas extremely doubtful, on the previous evening, if the Public Schools would be able to raise a team, for their training has now entered on a serious stage, and eventually the sclected team had to be completely reorganized. A. D. Roberts and Il. T. Maddocks played with the Brigade for the first rime, but both were evidcntly past their international form, and neither ruade any mark on the gaine. Af the start if looked as if the Public Schools Brigade wonld have matters all its own way, for G. G. Zieglcr, the old IIaileybury boy, was in grcat form on the right wing, and in twenty minutes he had scorcd twice. Ilis pacc bas improved, and he has a remarkably good stride, and for so fleet a man he is hot easily put of[, IIc had several trics beforc he suc- cceded, and twice he was brought dovn just outside the line, but af last he got over near the corner flag, and a minute latcr he scored bchid the posts, after a grcat xaan. Maddocks con- verted the second try, but very soon afterwards the Northern Command ruade an entry on the score sheet. The captain, Greary-Smith, intercepted a pass in mid-field during an attack, and after a capital run he scored behind the posts for Dingle to convert. Af the interval the Public Schools lcd by 8 points to 5. The Northern Colnmand had not up to this time playcd a good gaine. The rive three-quarters only got in each other's way, and they conld have done with the extra man in the scrummage, for the Public Schools pack got the ball ncarly every rime. Thc passing on both sidcs was poor, and there was a lack of combination. The IIarlequins' gaine of throwing the ball about answered very vell when the men bave a good understanding and rigorously keep their places; but thc public schoolmen lacked both these qualities, and there vere on the other side several men of above the average pace. The result was that the public schoolmen ruade no profit out of the policy, and the Northern Comlnand shoved them how to intercept passes. Early in the second half Lieut. Cannell got hold of a ball that was being recklessly thrown about, and when, after running some distance, he had only the full back to beat, he passed to Dinglc, and the try was certain, Roberts hot having the pace to catch the Durham nmn. Dingle improved thc try, and the Comlnand led by two points. The schoolmen ruade determined efforts to score, and kept the play in their opponents' territory, and at last from a EPSOM, ASItTEAD, AND LEATItERItEAD 71 scrummage near the line Braidford dropped a clever goal and gave his side the vietory by two points, the final score being: Publie Sehools Brigade, 2 goals (one dropped) 1 try (12 points); Northern Command, 2 plaeed goals (10 points). On Saturday, January 16, C Company of the 18th Battalion of the U.P.S. played a Rugby lnateh against K and Q Com- panies, 2nd Battalion of the Artists' Rifles, and beat them by 25 points to 9. The following aeeount is taken from The Morning Post of the 18th: In the match on Richmond Athletic Ground on Saturday, the Public Schools and Artists Company fifteens showed ex- cellent form. The Schools team from Epsom won handsomely at the finish, but for three parts of the gaine the Artists went very strongly, and actaally led into the second hall. It was no mere scratch "kick up" that we saw. The forwards were forming down quickly and swinging together on the ball as the scrummage loosened; half-backs (scrum and flying) were always bringing the three-quarters into action with a strategy that tan only be attained by dint of much practice. It was skilled Rugby af half-back, indeed, that distinguished both sides, and where the Public Schools turned the gaine was on the three- qumoEer line; the men knew how fo seize their chances. D. Wellesley-Smith, of Duhvich, playing on the outside right wing, looked the well-taught player at eve¢ turn; he was always " there" for the pass; he fielded the ball brilliantly, and then showed that he had the pace and the swelve. Openings developed on that wing went a long way towards the turning of the match. It was pleasing fo see how W. F. A. Chmnbers, of St. Parti's, playing flying man, developed the attack before getting his three-qum'ters under way; he has the real art of the half- back, after the manner of Adrian Stoop, and insists upon doing something before parting with the ball. Then E. J. G. Gibb-- another old St. Paul's boy and a good cricketer as well as a Unionist--made a grea.t centre three-quarter, while Bamberger an honoured naine in school boxingwas admirable in his straight running. Nor was try-getting the only virtue possessed by the Schools. In Barnes, who was playing right-centre fo Wellesley-Smith, we saw a place and a drop kick of more than normal excellence. With a following wind he showed that he 72 T/-IE /-IISTORY OF T/-IE " U.P.S." could place a goal frorn the edge of touch, and then in the last minute before " No-side" he dropped a goal frorn a mark somewhere in the vieinit.y of rnid-field. No wonder the Publie Sehools won by three goals and four tries fo three tries. Yet the Artists ruade a fine fight of it ff'oto beginning to end. M. E. K. Westlake, the famous Shcrborle School wicket-keeper two summcrs ago, workcd hard to kccp the pack going; at thc base of thc scrummage G. F. Padbury, of St. Paul's, was vcry quick in gctting thc ball out to C. E. Wilson, the flying hall, formcrly at Eastbourne. Wilson is a class half-back. Eastbourne, of coursc, has bccomc one of the lcading Rugby Schools, and it gave to Cambridge onc of its forcmost forwards of rcccnt ycars in G. V. Carcy. Anothcr prominent Artist outsidc thc scrummagc was Quinn, a thrcc-quartcr and a kinsman of the Irish International. It was a fine bright match right through thc piccc, and again we had evidence that the rnilitary lire of thc mon makes for extra fitncss. On Saturday, February 6, an exciting Association Match took place, it bcing thc occasion of the Final for the Brigadier's Challenge Cup. In this match ]3 Company, 20th ]3attalion (Lcatherhcad), dcfcatcd C Cornpany, -°lst ]3attalion (Ashtead), by 5 goals to 3. Much intcrcst, naturally, was cxcitcd by this match, and so we prcscrve the vcry flfll accourir givcn in The Surrey Idvertiser of the 13th: When the football season commenced, Brigadier-General Gordon Gilmour (eommanding offieer of the ]3rigade) offered a challenge eup fo be eompeted for by the various eornpanies, and the final rie for this trophy was played on the Epso!n Recreation Ground on Saturday aflernoon, the teams left m being B Company, 20th Battalion (Leatherhead), and C Corn- pany, 21st Battalion (Ashtead). The ground was in good con- dition, eonsidering the bad weather lately experieneed, and a large erowd attended to witness the eneounter, the majority of the speetators being in khaki. Shortly after 2.30 p.m., the advertised tirne for kickiug off, the tearns lined up as follows: B Compa.ny.---Goal, Pte. Saville; backs, Ptes. Howard and Carrer ; halve, Ptes. Hughes, Lang, and Musga'ove ; forwards, Corpl. Shorroeks, Ptes. Hallows, Seholes, Clegg, and Sergt. Whitehead. EPSOM, ASHTEAD, AND LEATHERHEAD C Company.--Goal, Pte. Rolfe; backs, Sergt. Jones and Pte. Ross; halves, Ptes. Kendrick, 5Iee, and Slade; forwards, Sergt. Horton, Sergt. Hales, Ptes. Taylor, Kerr, and Jenkins. Referee : Mr. E. G. Gayford, secretary, Surrey County A.F.A. The opening exchanges went in favour of the Ashtead contingent, Jenkins and Kerr especiMly distinguishing them- selves by some fine runs on the left wing. From one of these, after about fifteen minutes' play, Kerr opened the scoring with a good shot. B Company pressed after this, but found Ross very sale, he clearing his lines rime af ter rime vhen matters looked rather dangerous. Whitehead and Clegg combined vell, and the former had nobody but Rolfe to beat, but his final shot from an acute angle went wide. A corner next fell to C Company, and îrom the kick the custodian fisted out, and one of the backs kicked down the field again. Shorrocks ruade one or two beautiful runs after this, and Whitehead struck the post with a good shot. From a throw-in Hallows pressed ovcr to Whitehead, and he in turn gave to Clegg, who banged the ball into the net from about a dozen yards out. Shortly after- wards Shorrocks ruade off again, and passed fo his partner, who centred well. Clegg fastened on the ball, and scored again, thus putting his company i front. Ashtead tried hard to pierce their opponents' defence, Jenkins working Vel T hard to achieve this purpose; but Lang and Ross proved the stumbling- block rime after rime, whilst, if they got past the backs, Saville showed himself fo be very safe between the sticks. The half- rime score was: B. Company, 2 goals; C Company, 1 goal. Soon after the re-start the B Company îorwards swarmed round the Ashtead goal, and Shorrocks looked like gettiag through, but only a corner resulted. This was cleared, and, amid .great enthusiasm, Jenkins broke away on the left, and sent m a spanking shot, which Saville saved in a marvellous nmnner. The gaine proceeded af a very fast pace, two corners falling to Ashtead in quick succession. Not to be deuied, Leatherhead came away once more, and Hallows, obtaining the ball in a good position, gave the goalie no chance whatever with a quick shot. Two goals behind, Ashtead roused themselves up, and for some rime dominated the play. In less than a minute, after good combination with their forwards, Taylor reduced the lead with a s.plendid shot, and not long afterwards their persistence was agaln rewarded, Jenkins equalizing with 10 7 TtIE tIISTORY OF TtIE " U.P.S." a good shot, after a fine run. :From now until the finish the .gaine was very exciting, both ends of the field being visited m turn. Shorrocks, ttughes, and ttallows repeatedly got away on the lcft, but either their final efforts were stopped by the Ashtead backs, Ross especially doing well, or they shot wide of the mark. In the closing stages Jenkins went half-back for Ashtead, and this seemed to take all the sting out of their attack, as he was undoubtedly the best forward on the field. Leatherhcad appreciated the change, and, despite tIughes's knee giving way, they scored twice more, through Whitehead and Clegg, thc latter thus putting on 3 goals. Result: B Company, 5 goals; C Company, 3 goals. At the conclusion of the match the cup was presented to the winning team by Brigadier-General Gordon Gihnour, who said he did not think he had cver seen a more keenly fought, better contested, or better-tempered gaine than thc one they had witnesscd that afternoon. Pte. Saville, in accepting the cup, said, as captain of B Company team, it gave him great pleasure to receive the cup from the Brigadier. That was the foulh or fifth gaine they had played in the competition, and he thought Ashtead had given them the best gaine of the lot. tIe wished them better luck next rime. (Cheers.) The teams we-e afterwards photographed. A copy of this photograph is reproduced here. [The "' Pow-wow." LIF]'S LITTL] U.P.S. AND DOWNS. JONES IN THtI SIXTH AT SCHOOL WAS ALV¢AYS LOOKED UP TO BY SMITH MINOI, BUT NOW THINGS AlPE DIFFEIENT. CHAPTER IV THE CAMP AT EPSOM SINCE the iuspection by Lord Kitchcner and M. Millerand no event of particular importance took place until Saturday, February 20, »vhen the advauce party of the 20th Battalion entered the camp in Woodcote Park. By the folloving Thursday the vhole of this Battalion occupied their nev quarters. A week or so later one company of the 20th Battalion followed and on Match 6 a second company, so that at this date about 1,600 men wcre in the hutments. A very complete description of the camp, as it appeared in the middle of February, vas given iu The Epsom Herald of February 13. Part of this account is reproduced here: It was on November 25 that a start vas ruade with the erection of the camp in that portion of Woodcote Park hot laid out by the ovners for golf, etc. The portion in question is on the side of the estate adjoining the Headley Road, and Chalk Pit Road. The 18th Battalion quarters are among the trees near the farm, some little distance avay from the quarters of the other three Battalions. Trees overhang many of the buildings, which comprise the huts in which vill sleep, car, read and vrite the members of the 18th Battalion .... This part of the camp stands low, as compared »vith the other part, and except on one side not much of a vie»v can be obtained. But vhoever occupy the huts among the trees will, on fine varm days, think they are having quite a pastoral existence. The buildings constituting the quarters of the 18th Battalion are dotted here and there amongst the trees, and their ari'angement is quite different from that of the buildings forming the quarters 75 76 TI-IE I-IISTORY OF TI-IE " U.P.S." of the other battalions. The huts of the 19th, 20th, and 21st Battalions are in two long lines with their fronts facing each other. Bctween the two lines is a space about. 70 feet wide. A portion of this space is being utilized for the purposes of a road, which will run between the huts from the tIeadley Road entrance, to a point right away in the direction of Langley Bottoln. If will have huts on each side for a distance of about three-qua'tel of a toile .... The buildings of the three Battalions in question are continuous. Thc 19th Battalion quarters are those nearcst the main entrance froln tteadley Road, then corne thos¢ of thc 20th BattMion, thc one which is going in first --and thon those of the 21st. The ground is undulating, and consequently fev of thc buildings are exactly on the sanie level, but they practically all stand on very high ground, which is swept by fresh air and is tonically healthy in the extreme .... Thcre are twenty-fonr huts fo each Battalion, and each but is 120 feet long and 20 feet wide. It has a tituber frame, built on wooden supports, which prevcnt any part of the floor resting on the ground. The sides of the hut are constructed externally of corrugated iron, and lined internally with match- boarding. The distance froln thc grooved and tongued floor- boards to the caves is 8 feet, and fo the apex of the span roof 10 feet. The huts, which are 80 feet apart, have hospital windov-frames and sashes. There are also Louvre ventilators in the gables. For heating purposes each hut has three slov- combustion stores, and the lighting is by clectric lamps. The roofs are of matchboard, covered by special stoneflex felt. Each hut is fo accommodate fifty men, for sleeping and fol" meals. Spring mattresses, palliasses, blankets, and sheets will be the articles which will assist the men fo woo slumber. There will be twenty-five beds in each side of a hut. Over each bed will be a shelf, fitted with hooks. Iii the centre of the huts will be the tables which will be used for lneals, writing, gaines, etc. For each Battalion there are officers' quarters. In each of four of the buildings, comprising these quarters, are eight rooms for the officers, and one for the officers' servants. There is another separate building for the officers' mess, reading-rooln, and lounge. From the side of these two roonls is a corridor which leads fo the kitchen, store-room, scullery, pantry, etc. Another set of buildings attached fo each Battalion qualoEers comprises the sergeants' mess. The dining-room is 86 feet by 20 feet, the THE CAMP AT EPSOM 77 reading-room 20 ïeet by 20 ïeet, and the kitchen 20 ïeet by 20 feet. Other departments include thc beer, liquor, and other stores. Each Battalion will also have a doctors' consulting- room, 80 ïcet by 15 ïcet, and a waiting-room. Thcn, of course, there must be a large place in which meals can be prcpared for the armies of men. For the 20th and 21st Battalions there is a double cook-house. The othcr battalions have a cook- house each. The cook-houses have baking-ovens for roasting purposes, and steam-jackcted pans for stews, and stcam-heated tea-makers. These cook-houses are vcry wide and lofty build- ings. Each Battalion will have its own shower-baths. The men will stand in concrete troughs, 2 ïcct 6 inches by 2 feet 9 inches, and have a shower-bath, using cithcr hot or cold water as they please. There will be galvanized iron divisions, though the baths will be open in front. The numbcr of baths for each Battalion is ïorty-six .... Each Battalion will have other build- ings, including stabling for a numbcr of horscs. In these stables will be galvanizcd iron nmngcrs, and baie bom'ds will divide the cubicles. There will also be sheds for vehicles, harness, forge, etc. Is it neccssary to say that a canteen, fittcd with "wet" and " dry" bars, will ïorm pa.rt of the Battalions' equipment ? But thc biggest building of all has not bcen mentioned. 1 This is the recreation hall, a splendid building, erected on most gcncrous lines. It is 180 fcct long and 60 ïcct widc, and the distance bctwcen the floor and thc caves is 22 ïeet. The roof is constructed of Bclfast wood taasses, so that there are no pillars to break the view of any one in it. This hall is tobe fitted with a stage, and will be very suitable for lectures, conceoEs, picture displays, and other ïorms of cnter- tainment. No doubt this fine camp acquisition will prove vcry useful in a number of ways. Standing isolated ïrom the othcr parts of the cmnp is the miniature riflc-rangc, a closed-in place, having skylights. Thcre are rive miniature ranges in if, fitted with Solano and bull's-eye targcts. The lcngth of the range is 100 ïeet. The cmnp is being fitted up with postal and tclephone ïacilities, and any one who wants a newspapcr or a shave will find that his wants can be readily attended to. A power  The Committee round the money for this large hall by building smaller canteens instead of large regimental institutes for each Battalion. It may be mentioned that the camp was eventually used as a Convalescent ttospital, and this large hall was found in- dispensable, concerts and cinematograph shows being given every night to the convalescents. 78 TI-IE I-IISTORY OF TI-IE "U.P.S." station, to generate electricity for the 19th, 20th, and 21st Battalions bas been ercctcd atone corner of the camp. The 18th Battalion will be supplicd with current ff'oto Epsom electri- city main, which goes as far as Woodcotc tIouse, near wherc the Battalion's quarters are situate. The Epsom water supply is laid on to the camp, and, as a safeguard in case of tire, hydrants have been fixcd in various parts. There are also hand-grenades providcd. The camp lins bcen connected up to Epsom's systcm of drainage, having regard to the designs pre- pared by the War Office for typical camps .... At the outset Humphrcys Ltd. employcd 150 men, but during the last three months the sta.ï[ of workmcn has bccn betwecn 800 and 400, and therc bave been two gcneral forelnen and six sub-foremen. As everybody knows, a number of members of the Brigade, on some days as many as 500, were sent fo the camp to assist in the work, but latterly, being rcquircd for trcnch work else- wherc, they lmve donc little at the camp, except help to carry articles into the buts. Never bas a camp been erected undcr more adverse conditions tlmn the Woodcote Park Camp... but the whole of thc work will bc complcted in a few wecks' tiret, and among thc military camps tlmt have becn suddenly created in the greatest crisis in the nation's lfistory, the Wood- cote Park camp will be considered one of the vcry best. A Y.M.C.A. building has yet tobe erected. The Brigadier-Gcneral and his staff will be quartcred ia the Woodcote Park House. An interesting description of lire in the new camp xvas furnished by R. G. P. fo The Derby Times, from whieh the following is taken: Our camp is composed of long structnres of wood and corrngated iron, and we take an especial pride, in them from the fact that we lmve taken no mean share in the vork of constrnction. There is an avera.gc of forty-five or fiffy in a hut, and every nmn bas a sprlng bcd, mattress, pillov, two sheets, and four blankcts. If he cannot keep warm with thosc, lac must put his overcoat on the bed or sleep in lais socks. Army underclothes and what is known as " Slnall kit " have been issued to every man, and now they are possessed of brushes, combs, braces, and vm'ious things which are necessary THE CAMP AT EPSOM 79 for turning a soldier out as the authorities desire to see him. No one ean say that the huts are hot eomïortable, and there are ïew eomplaints of sleeplessness. The boot is rather on the other leg, and the N.C.O. in charge of the hut has not infrequently to indulge in language not advisable in polite eireles, saving those adorned by Bernard Shaw, belote he ean induce his men to get up. Once out of bed, hovever, no one has much rime to vaste. There is capital washing and sanitary accommodation, and there are boots and buttons tobe cleaned, chins tobe shaved, and neeks washed, to say nothing of lnaking the beds, and then there is generally a parade about 7 o'eloek. lIany of out men lllllSt experience a sneaking sympathy for the servants and ehambernmids to whom, probably, they have given plenty of unneeessary trouble in the past. All men know now how to make beds and îold elothes, and, so far as the bed-elothing goes, itis no light task. The blanket must be folded lengthways, so as to present three pleats to the front, and two blankets must be ïolded broadwa.ys, showing four pleats; the remaining blanket eovers the spnng mattress, and the beds must be ïolded up and plaeed against the walls in twos. Then the pillow and sleeping elothes are wrapped up in the mattress, whilst the sheets must be ïolded so as to show four pleats to the front. They must be enelosed in the blankets --whieh are blaek--so as to show plainly to the ff-ont, and all are plaeed on the rolled bed. It eertainly seems a somewhat eomplieated performance, and perhaps one may wonder how it is ever going to assist a soldier in the art of fighting Germans, but itis by no means a lengthy performance, and it eertainly has a tendeney to induee tidiness. Prior to eoming here, I had an abhorrenee for anything that was tidy, but tidiness has eome as a gift now, and I have no doubt my bed looks as well as the next; but when all the hut is eompleted the general appearanee is very fine indeed. On March 27 General Sir Archibald Murray, K.C.B., C.V.O., D.S.O., Deputy Chier of the Impcrial Staff, inspected the Brigade on the Dovns. This inspection was a most minute and careïul one, and such as would enable an accurate judgment tobe formed of the forces. The Brigadier was later instructed to express his satisfaction with vhat the General had secn, and 80 TtIE tIISTORY OF TtIE " U.P.S." to say that the General would rccommend certain steps with a view to the Brigade being included in one of the early armies going to the Front. The Brigadier then added the following: "The Brigadier hopes that all ranks will realize that the pro- ficiency of the whole Brigade may be judged by the bearing and behaviour of the smallest mfit, and that each individual will do his utmost to prepare and perfect himself for war." These words of the Brigadier, coupled with the General's message, were weleomed by the Brigade, as they were the first offieial intimation that the Brigade was likely to get a " lnove on" in the near future. This in due course took place, but in a ruminer different ff'oto that expeetcd, as will be related in the following chapter. It is right that we shouhl writc a few lines coneerning Brigadier-General Gordon Gilmour, C.B., C.V.O., D.S.O. The Brigade was most fortunate in having him to command it, and the U.P.S. em'ly realized that they possessed in him a good soldier and moreover a friend, tIe quickly gained the highest esteem of all serving under him. Owing to the peeuliar diffi- eulties associated with the Brigade, General Gihnour had a by no means enviable position fo fill. He was dependent upon the Committee for praetieally everything that was needed by the force, and for a soldier fo be more or less dependent on a civilian eommittee was something quite new. Itowever, the Conmfittee at once gained his hearty co-operation, help, and adviee in their heavy undertaking. The questio of com- missions, moreover, was an exceedingly delieate one, and had fo be handled with considerable tact. 011 April 2 two and a hall battalions were iii camp. One of the attractions at the camp was the playing of the retreat by the little drum and file band of the 21st Battalion. As one member stated, "The band follows the eall that is blown each evening at sunset, by giving us one or two seleetions as | - I|| l I o o o o THE CAMP AT EPSOM 81 it marches up and down the street, for I suppose I may call our only road 'the Street.' We used to see (and hear) the saine thing in Ashtead, but what a difference there is between lolling out of a billet window to see the band and standing one amongst some 2,000, more or less at attention, to see the same band, and hear thc saine tunes up here in camp!" "By April 15 thc whole Brigade was in camp. As to the hospital arrmgements. At the beginning of October 1914 the " Eastern Command requested the V.A.D. Surrey 28 to undertake the Ambulance TranspooE of the U.P.S. Brigade, and, thanks to the loan of cars from gentlemen in the neighbourhood and the motor ambulance from the British Red Cross Society, the transport of patients from Epsom to the London Military Hospital continued without cessation for rive months. During February 1915 Lieutenant Bradshaw Davy, R.A.M.C., asked Mrs. Maltwood, who had been responsible for the provision of the excellent Ambulance Transport, if a hospital could be provided in the neighbonrhood, as he was overwhehned by an epidemic of influenza, and it was impossible to find room for so mmy patients in London, where the Military tIospitals were already full of wounded from the front. Mrs. Maltwood threw herself energetically into the scheme. Permission was obtained from the D.D.M.S. Eastern Commmd for a hut in the camp, to be adopted as a temporary hospital, until a permanent hospital for the Brigade was built. The hospital was soon equipped locally and staffed with two efficient trained nurses and V.A.D.'s, Lady Margaret Ryder taking commmd under the M.O.'s with Mrs. Maltwood as Lady Superintendent and Mrs. Scott Cater as Quartermaster. The Royal Automobile Club lent their farmhouse to these ladies, and this proved a great boon to them. The Surrey County Director obtained a grmt from the Surrey Red Cross for the temporary hospital, and this grant was of very 11 82 TttE tIISTORY OF TtIE " U.P.S." [The " Pow-wow." ANIMATED SCENE IN A U.P.S. HUT HALF AN IIOUR AFTER IAEVEILLE. great assistance in equipping it. Iareh lA was the opening day, and the Brigadier-General and his staff paid a fornml visit. During the two months the IIospital was open the twenty- rive beds were eontinually filled by patients. Needless fo say, the patients mueh appreeiated all that was done for them. The new hospital was by this rime in course of ereetion, but was not destined fo reeeive U.P.S. patients, as the Brigade moved to Clipstone before ifs eompletion. When the Brigade moved fo Clipstone if was round that there were no military hospitals within easy reaeh of the camp. These Surrey ladies af once volunteered to go there and organize THE CAMP AT EPSOM 83 a similar temporary hospital. A hut more suited for the pur- pose was round, having a kitchen and large rooms suitable for wards providing accommodation for sixty patients. The neces- sary equipment from Woodcote Park was conveyed north in the ever-ready ambulance wagon, and local equipment was lent until the War Office supplies arrived. Mrs. Scott Cater, who actcd as Quartermaster at Epsom, did splendid work at Clipstone; great thanks is due to her for her patriotic work. Similar thanks is also due to Lady Margaret Ryder and Mrs. Maltwood and the other ladies who gave their vhole rime voluntarily for the welfare and conffort of the sick of the Brigade. The Brigade had nov becn in Epsom and its neighbouring tovn fol" over thirty veeks. It vould be interesting to record all the rumours as to its final destination that occurred during these thirty veeks. The Egypt rulnour seems the most con- sistent, as it was positively attested that the Seeretary had ordered hehnets. This was only "knocked out" when the Seeretm'y, on being asked if it were truc, stated "Oh! yes, and I have ordered 5,000 eamels." France, Egypt, Aldershot, and so forth were lnentioned by turns, and various others are ehronieled in The Pow-wow. Epsoln had been renmned Upsom, and the following dialogue, whieh appeared in The Pow-wow at this rime, shows the feeling in the Brigade. K. o] K.: "So you give the palm to the ----s, do you ?" Sir J. F. : " Yes, though mind you, the Grenadiers are very fine." K. o/ K. : " What about the London Scottish ? " Sir J. . : " Magnificent ! " K. o! K. : " By the bye, I don't remember hearing anything about that public school thing, you know." Sir J. F. : " The U.P.S. They never came out." K. o! K. : " What ! Good Lord, they mus be still at Epsom ! " At the beinnning of May vord came that the Brigade vas to proceed to Clipston, near Market Hm'borough, for divisional 84 THE tIISTORY OF THE " U.P.S." training, and a fcw officcrs wcre dcputcd fo procccd thithcr and report on the camp, etc. It was also announccd that thc îollowing Battalions would enter Woodcotc Pm'k on its vacation by thc U.P.S. : 13th Esscx Rcgt. (Wcst Ham); 16th Middlcsex (Public Schools); 17th Middlcsex (Footballcrs); 10th K.R.R. (Church Lads' Brigade). Officcrs from thcsc Battalions arrived at Epsom to inspcct thcir new quartcrs. In thc mcantimc ncws had arrivcd from Clipston that no camp could bc round. Much mcrrimcnt was causcd by this intination, and all thought that some hugc practical jokc had bccn succcssful. A fcw days latcr, howcvcr, aftcr tclcphonc calls, and corrcspondcncc, information was rcccivcd that " it was much rcgrcttcd, but a clcrical crror had bccn ruade." Thc first instruction should havc rcad "Clipstone, ncar lIansficld." Thc dcparturc oî thc Brigade was a source of gcnuinc regret to thc pcoplc of Epsom. Apart from thc fact that thc ncigh- bourhood had bcncfitcd grcatly financially from thc prcscnce of thc Brigade, the public school mcn had madc thcmsclvcs likcd and rcspcctcd by all, and many fricndships had bccn formcd bctwccn thc mcn and thcir hosts. At 3s. ½d. per man per day thc moncy spcnt on billcting alone workcd out for 5,000 mon for thirty wccks at over £177,000. Large sums of moncy, morcovcr, wcrc spcnt with thc tradcsmcn of thc locality, and this, in thc practical absence of racing, formcd a considcrablc source of incomc for thc town. Thc best description of thc dcparturc of thc Brigade ap- pcarcd in The Epsom Her«ld, from which wc takc thc follow- ing cxt.racts : The exodus really began on Sunday (May 9, 1915) when about thirty membcrs of the Brigade, belonging to the Scout contingent, started fo walk all the distance fo Clipstone. They had a great journey before them, and the men at the camp turned out of their huts fo give the little party a rousing cheer THE CAMP AT EPSOII 85 as if set forth on its long pilgrinmge. On the folloving Monday several hundred men--about a hundred from each Battalion-- also bade adieu to the camp at Epsom. They were the advance party, and travelled by train to Clipstone to get things in order for the host that was confing on Wednesday. On Monday evening the train was crowded with soldiers. It was thought that it was going to be their last "leave" evening, though that did hot prove to be the case. Khaki streamed into the place on Monday evening with a greater force than probably it has over streamed since the camp was opened. Every man still in the camp was anxious to spend an evening in the town, and this bore a most lively appearance. Everywhere in- habitants and soldiers were shaking hands and bidding each other God-speed. It was a parting of no ordinary kind, as no such parting can be in war-time, and in such war-time as this. But the U.P.S. men, ever cheerful, laughed and spoke of the days when the war would be ovcr, and they vould certainly corne back to dear old Epsom again, and visit those who had been so very kind to them during their sojourn in it. It l¥as 11o use being down- hearted, and 200 or 300 of the men TII "eo-,,-o,." nmrehed, four abreast, through the town, POrTrAiT OF" A U.P.S. IIAN DIA'WING ttlS AIIEAS OF with a banner carried in front of them. On the white ga-ound of this banner were the words, in big black lettering, "Farewell fo Epsom." Some of the men had, as " musical " instruments, pots, pans, and children's dxms, and in front of the banner rodc one of their nmnber on horseback, a steed having been secured from a local stable. On Tuesday at the camp there was all the activity and excitement natural under the circmnstances. The Brigade vas in the throes of getting ready fo nmve away from the camp, and there was movement everywhere .... The men who were to leave the Woodcote Park cmnp felt that they would not leave it without some rega'ets, and without doubts as to whether 86 THE HISTORY OF THE " U.P.S." they would ever live again in such a comfortable and prettily situated camp. Tuesday was a day fo sharpen any feelings of regret at leaving, for the weather, in the morning espeeially, was lovely, and Woodeote Park was in ifs most eharming mood. What other military camp can boast of such riches of nature as this camp can ? For instance, what other camp bas such a lovely carpet of bluebells ? The men, in the daylight before the evening shadows fell, took a last look round. Epsom Downs Station at the hour of midnight is usually wrapped in silence, but this was not the case on Tucsday night. Eight trains, each made up of carriages, luggage-vans, horse- boxes and trucks for horses, werc despatched for Edwinstowe, the nearest station for Clipstonc, betwecn 12 and 8 a.m. The fit train lcft at 12, and there was just an hour's interval between the dcpartures of the others. Both the inhabitants of Epsom and the U.P.S. men, too, would have liked the de- parture to have taken place in the day-time so that there could have been a " regular send-oïf." As it was the departure was witnessed by only a few persons .... The entraining of the men was carried out in peffect order, and as each train passed out cheers wcre raiscd by the handïul of people standing on the platform. On the arrival of the troops at the station there was no fuss or ceremony. Evcrything was conducted with quietness and precision, and as the men left Epsom and went out into the night, away from where their Brigade has been since last Scptember, they were carefully obeying instructions to pull down all the blinds. Their action symbolized the pulling down of the curtain at the close of the work and play performance by the U.P.S. Brigade on the stage of Epsom. % A CHEER¥ FAREWELL. Billetrix to Private leaving for Woodcote : " Good-bye, Sir; and when you do go to th Front, I shall look in the Casualty List for your naine every day. °' The ** Pow-wow."] CHAPTER V CLIPSTONE AND SALISBUR r TrIE accourir of the Brigade's departure from Epsom has been given in the last chapter, and the laughable state of affairs which rcsulted from the confusion of Clipston, Northalnptonshirc, with Clipstone, Nottinghamshire, describcd. If was this latter place, near Mansfield, that was the Brigade's real destination, and eveutually if arrived thcre. The Clipstone Camp is fiïteen mlles h'om Nottingham, and is pitched in a part of what is known as the Ling Forest, about three mlles from 5Iansficld in the direction of Clipstone, between the Clipstone motor-track and Newlands Farm. Arriving af Edwinstowe, and marching thence some four mlles fo the camp, the first contingent reached their huts about 7 a.m. and the stream continued well into the aïternoon. The first impressions of the camp were not cxactly cheering. In addition fo the wretched weather, which was in itself suffi- ciently depressing, the rough and unfinished condition of every visible object seemed fo promise, hot only present discomfort, but a vast anlount of ïuture work. " Rumour hath if," said The Pow-wow, "that, having dropped the 'U.P.S.' we have taken up 'C.I.S.' or 'Camp Ilnprovement Society'; and also 'that we are the official Fatigue Party fo the Army.' " Nor did the tales of the advance paloEy, which had arrived the previous Monday, tend fo raise the spirits of the new-colners. Starvation seemed imminent for those lucky enough fo escape 87 88 THE HISTORY OF THE " U.P.S " death by exposure. "Ilave you any complaints to make about thc bcdding?" askcd thc officcr in The Pow-wow cartoon. "None, sir, cxcept that it's uneatable!" was the rcply. Thc camp was thus describcd in The Nottigham Guardian, which scems to havc constitutcd itsclf thc chroniclcr of the Brigadc's doings much in thc saine way as The Epsom Herald did when the Brigade was at Epsom: Although, to the outward eye, the big military camp at Clipstone, ncar Mansficld, still prcsents a rough, unfinishcd ap- pearance, the first batch of troops havc now arrived. Thc numbcr to be stationcd hcre is not kuown, cvcn approximatcly, but it vill probably bc ncarcr 30,000 than 20,000. Scvcral hundrcd huts have 1)con crcctcd, and othcrs are still in the first stages of construction, notwithstanding that the work has 1)cen gomg on ever since the 1)cginning of December. As yet the camp is scarccly an inspiring sight. The woodcn rectangular structures, which differ from each othcr ouly in the marrer of sizc, are paiutcd an inconspicuous grey, and the great piles of tituber, the toiling engines, the uueven ground, and the clang of hammers suggest some great industrial undertaking rather than the panoply of war. Even the lighting installation is hot complete, and candlcs are the chier form of illuminant. The U.P.S. are anything but plcased with their changed environ- ment .... From this [Epsom] fo the bleak uplands of Clip- stone, where thc skyline is only broken by pitheads, is hOt alhlring. They confess that they have bcen having the rime of their lives at Epsom, but they are ail good " sports," and recognize that stern work is yet to be done. The Brigade soon settlcd down in its new quarters, however, none the worse for a little less comfort than it had been accus- tomed to at Epsom. A large part of the rime was occupied tu fatigue work of one kind or another, but plenty of real work was done nevertheless. What spare rime remained was spent in Mansfield, which, after a short period of probationary exami- Ration, opened its hospitable arms and provided a most cordial welcome. I('ILDING TIIE IIUTS AT WOODCOTE CAMP. [Wakefield, Epsom. BUILDING A OOF. [Wake field, Epsom. CLIPSTONE AND SALISBURY 89 The îolloving account of the Mayor's welcome to the Brigade is taken îrom The Noltingham Guardian of May 17, 1915 : Mansfield is suffering its military invasion gladly. Somehov or other an impression has got abroad amongst the mon of the U.P.S. Battalion of the Royal Fusiliers now at the Clipstone Camp that they are hot welcome to the district, and it nmy be this has ariscn because no otïicial grecting had bccn given fo them. Mansficld wishcs, howcvcr, to dispel this idea at once, and yesterday the Mayor (Ald. D. II. Maltby) did so in a few words oî warm welcome which he addresscd to about a couple of hundred mon who were having tea in the comîortable quarters oî the Y.M.C.A. Hall in Church Lane. His Worship said it gave him real pleasure, on behalf of the town, to extend a cordial wclcome fo the Public Schools Brigade of the Fusiliers, and the pleasure was all the gTeatcr because of something which he heard the previous day, wheu it was said that some of thc Battalion had the imprcssion that they wcre hot wclcome in Mansfield. He wishcd immediatcly to disabusc thcir minds of such a mistaken impression, aud to assure thcm that thcy vcre as welcome as the flowcrs in the spring, and he hoped thcir stay in the town would be happy and pleasant. He was speaking the othcr night to the Sherwood Foresters, and told them that Mansficld was the niccst town in England; but in the present company he nmst qualify t.hat description a little after what he had hcard h-oto thcm about Epsom. (Laughter.) But Mansfield was a very nicc, hcalthy town, and they would be reccivcd very warmly by the inhabitants. The Y.M.C.A. had done what they could to make their rooms plcasant and attractive. The letters Y.M.C.A. hOt only rcl)resented the titlc of the Association, but also stood îor " You Must Corne Again " --(applause)--and he hoped they would often corne fo the hall and make it their home. A veek later The Nottingham Guardian, anxious to find out what the U.P.S. men really thought of Mansfield, very naturally turned to the pages of the veracious Pow-wow. The following extract from the issue of May 2"¢ shovs the result of thcir researches : 12 90 TItE HISTORY OF TttE " U.P.S." [The " Pow-wow." IROMANCE, IREALISM. THE IIULETEEIR. If one is to judge from the current issue of their weekly publication, The Pow-wow, the men of the U.P.S. have leff their hearts at Woodeote, their first military home at Epsom. But even Woodeote was reviled in the early days when it was "undiseiplined and wild," and it was not until they reaehed " the land of chaos," as Clipstone is rather unkindly ealled, that the exeellenees of the Surrey qum'ters, with its trim gardens gay with the first spring flowers, its many friends, and its close proximity to London, were really appreeiated. Sunny Woodcote, home of bliss, ttow your happy huts I miss! sighs the camp poet, and he goes on in this melancholy remi- niscent strain : CLIPSTONE AND SALISBURY 91 You ropaid us for our labours, for you grow supromoly fair, Till to gazo upon your boautios peoplo flocked from horo and thoro, With tho golf-links as a background, and tho gardons all about, You had many charms fo wilo us which wo now must do without. For you'ro lost fo us for ay, and wo miss you ov'ry day, In tho sunshino of your prosonco would that wo again could play. The editor of The Pow-wow seems to be incorrigibly pessi- mistic concerning his present surroundings. " What is the good of any to-morrow that lands you in a place like Clipstone Camp ?" he asks. Rumour hath it in another column "that Clipstone is a dull p.lace," but that " one can always go dovn a coal-mine"--this m reference to the ïacilities glven to the U.P.S. to inspect the underground workings of the colliery. The sad state of parts of the road near the camp is satirized thus: "that the motorists of the Brigade bave arranged re- liability trials over the road to Mansfield." The town vas naturally curious to see wha the Editor thought about it and the people in print; but the cautious man does hot commit himself. " We know," he says, " but shan't tell, what 5Iansfield thinks about us and what we think about 5leasfield." Early in June the Brigade was inspected by 5Iajor-Gcneral Drulnmond, for the second tilne. Hopes wcre again raiscd, and rulnour grew and flourishcd. But thcre was no rcsult, and the old, old qucstion--When are we going out ?--soon reappcared. The daily routine was cnlivened, about this rime, by the heath-fires which broke out so often in the vicinity. As soon as the alarm is heard [says The Pow-wow.]--usually the first or sixth timehut corporals lcad the mcn m prayer, the objcct bcing cithcr fo induce the tire fo spread towards the camp or to soften the heart of Jupitcr Pluvius! 5Icanwhile the oflïcers changc into flanncls and evcntually the Battalions parade undcr the respective B.S.SI.'s. Men are armcd with rakes for scparating the flames, and shovcls for digging them in, oflïccrs with complcte scts of golf- clubs, though only niblicks are necessary.. Communication is kep up bctwecn the paradc-ground and" the one or two individuals who have gone withou ordcrs fo the seat of inflam- mation, by means of signallcrs judiciously hidden in the slnoke. 92 TI-IE I-IISTORY OF TI-IE " U.P.S." As soon as information an'ives fo the effect that nothing further can be done, the Brigade is doubled off to see if it's true. Thus The Pow-wow--and lnore to the same effect. The Mansfield Chronicle of June 10 says: " The sportsmen of the U.P.S. are thanking their lucky stars tha, in coming to Cipstone, they have dropped into clover. They never dreamed that they would be able to have he use of such a first-class sports-ground as that which is attached fo the Forest Town Institutc." Hcre we got a glimpse of the unofficial side of camp lifc. The wcather during he whole of June and July was good; fine and dry, but not really over hot. As a result, every oppor- tunity--and thcre were many--was akcn by the cricket and temfis enthusiasts of cnjoying their respective m-ts. Bathing, too, was a great attraction for many, and Vicars Water, the pool just bclow the camp, was the scene of lnuch innocent enjoyment. The inspection by Major-Gencral Drummond and another by Maj or-General Lawson served to put a new energy into the general training, if they had no other result. In the absence of any other Brigade, divisional training was of course possible; but the Battalions did extensive attacks over the moors and heaths at thcir disposal in preparation thercfor, and did really acquire some skill in their various duties. The thcoretical side was treated as well as the practical, the officers giving lectures and talks in the evening on the aftcrnoon's attacks. We quote The Pow-wow once again: " Ii was the Up$," the Captain said, " Who pu tlle test fo tout ; But ]usg exacgly how if was I could no well make ou. Bu everybody said," quoth " That 'twas a famous victory. CLIPSTONE AND SALISBURY 93 " lgow are there any questions you Would like fo ask," he said. " l'll do my best fo answer t,hem-- Or some one will instead-- That you may know as much as me About this famous victory ! "The enemy were seen af noon And driven back by one ; Why did we stay till half-past thre Before the charge was donc ? lgay, that I cannot tell," said he, " But 'twas a famous victory." Besides the manœuvres, good work was donc at musketry and bayonet-fighting, and a certain amount of firing practice even, on a miniature range below the camp. Extensive excava- tions some three toiles from camp, at Rufford, did at least show some semblance fo a range; and the levelling of parade- grounds and digging of trenches wcnt on apace. On Sunday, Junc 13, the camp was thrown open fo the public, and large crowds availed thcmsclves of this opportunity of gaining a closer view. On the following Saturday another inspection took place, this rime by Gcneral Bruce Hamilton. Rumours flourished once more--and once more the Brigade was doomed to disappointment. On Friday, June 25, the first units of a new Brigade arrived at Clipstone. The new-comers, the 99th Brigade, took up their quarters alongside the U.P.S., or 98th Brigade, as they now came to be called. The initials " U.P.S." had long been a misnomer, and many had agitated for the substitution of the title "98th Brigade." Witll the arrival of the other pmoEs of the division this became casier, though the old naine seemed to cling in spire of its obvious inappropriateness. The arrival of the 99th was quickly followed by that of vm-ious other Battalions, and the camp soon held the greater part of a division. Before the talc was complete, however, 9 THE HISTOR¥ OF THE " U.P.S." rumour got busy again, not altogether groundlessly; for on August 8 the Brigade set out for its last camp in England-- Salisbury Plain. Letters of appreciation passed between General Maude, the divisional commander, and the Mayor of Mansfield expressing the regret of both soldiers and townsfolk at the separation. Here, too, we may perhaps be permitted to quote a letter which appeared in The Pow-wow at a somewhat earlier date. " Our Club " it is called, and we give it in full, for it expresses so well the feelings of every nmn in the Brigade: "I have just partaken of a most cheering repast, a couple of eggs, bread and butter, a cup of excellent coïfce, and a delightful littlc cake, ail for the modest expenditure of sixpence. At the present moment I ara writing on paper, and with pen and ink, all supplied (these for no expenditure at all) by the saine beneficent dispensation. Around me, at other comfortable tables, a couple of dozen men are writing. In snug arm-chairs, or at other tables, more work-worn Fusiliers are reading the papers and magazines so generously provided. Farther away are some half-dozen billiard-tables, where a game nmy be had for nix, a tobacco and cigarette counter is af hand, and a post- box stands beside it. The dusty wayfarer, who wants re- freshin.g, finds all that is requisite to his needs with equal convemence. Now where am I ? It isn't wholly a local effort. The saine providence provided us with a refuge, a resort, and a resting-place at Epsom. Of course it's the Y.][. Theologically speaking, I bave no business here. Nor, probably, have many of the others. Yet never once, either here or in out former abodc, has one single word designed to discover or alter my beliefs been uttered or implied. When I say not wholly local, I ara leaving roo:u for grati- tude to the ]çansfield ladies and gentlemen, who so unselfishly devote their rime and trouble to out welfare and happiness. No café or hotel in the town can hold a candle to the ness and obligingness of the service, or the quality and pnce of the provisions. We are apt to take kindness rather for granted. Neverthe- CLIPSTONE AND SALISBURY 95 less, these devoted philanthropists nmy, I ana confident, be assured that, even if we don't show it, we are grateful, and that our acceptance of it all, as if we expected it, is the highest unconscious compliment we could possibly pay. (Signed) FUSlLIEI. The Brigade took up its duties at Salisbury with a new enthusiasln somewhat akin to the old spirit of those far-off first days at Epsom, Leatherhead, and Ashtead. Pessimisln was rife; but,, aftcr all, Salisbury is Salisbury! No one could deny that! Colnfortably housed in barracks, with the spccials--signallcrs, M.B.S., ctc.--under canvas ncar by, work proccedcd rapidly. Firing on thc ranges altcrnated with bayonct- fighting and other essential forms of military training, and the discolnforts of bad food and unwelcome visitors wcre soon forgotten in the expectation of approaching departurc. The months spent on Salisbury Plain linger in the memory chiefly as a period of hard training, during which the division was welded together, while individually the lnen were hardened to conditions approxilnating to active service as far as possible. There wcre days when they marched wearily, with much halting, on a route which always seemed to circle round Sidbury Hill, deployed, if they were unlucky, or rested cheerfully if the higher command gave them the position of divisional reserve, and returned in t, he evening to bala'acks. There were other days when they did hot march in at dusk, but bivouacked in cold and wind-swept fields, to sleep uneasily and continue the marching or mock-fighting in the grey light of dawn. More utterly miserable than were the days and nights spent in the cold, chalk trench-system dug for training in the slopes round Bedlam Buildings. These exercises were presulnably in- tended to accustom the men to active service conditions; if so, they erred on the side of thoroughness. Melnbers of the Brigade have stated that they cannot relnelnber any nights so CLIPSTONE AND SALISBURY 97 [The " Pow-wow.'" THE U.P.S. LANDSTU1AM. to Everleigh, with tea o1" other refreshment at the "Crown," was deselwedly popular, and there were many such pleasant villages outside the radius within which civilians treated the men of the Brigade as Kipling once indicated that peace-time rankers are treated. Some one is reported to have said that even af the end of 1915 some civilians still regarded the King's uniform as next-of-kin to the convict's garb. Towards the close came final leave, a glorious week away ïrom the Army, followed by farewell dinners in barracks and ail the business of mobilization. The men added to their equipment, ammunition, bivouac ground-sheets, spare clothing, and significant trifles such as pay-books and identification discs. On the other hand, they gave up unnecessary luxuries such as spare uniforms and boots. Even then the weight of the out- fit seelned intolerable, even after the long training of marches with pack and rifle. Finally came the gloomy molnent of departure. It was the moment the U.P.S. men had once longed for, and even if their keenness had neared the vanishing point in the long boredom 18 98 THE HISTORY OF THE " U.P.S." of training, spirits were high vhen the day of embarkation arrived. They might even have lcït in the same exulting enthusiasm of earlier divisions if the Lancers' oîfcr had been accepted and their band had playcd them out. But such simple pageantry was hot to be. Thc U.P.S. Brigade marched slowly out of barracks af midnight, silent, with even a single chccr forbidden. St.range ending fo fifteen months of prepara- tion for the imminent test of war! [The " Pow-wow.'" CHI:IISTIIAS POST OI:IDEI:ILY. CHAPTER VI THE DEPARTURE FoR some rime the vm'ied hm'monies of ntmour had faded before one dominant note. Egypt, Africa, Timbuctoo---all units in thc harmonic scheme of movcment--had become merged in the insistent beat of " France." It was no longer a question of months, nor even of weeks. At last it was possible to think in days, days full to the last hour. Training was kept up as usual, but spare moments were utilized for the ehanging of elothing and equipment and the arrangement of the preliminaries to the great adventure. At last THE DAY arrived. Thcre was nothing unusual about it. No flights of eagles stm'tled the superstitious, as a wag put it. There was nothing to foretell its end. Late in the afternoon three privates might have been seen motoring towards Pewsey in a rmnshackle cm'. They were going to celebrate their fourth farewell dinner. An old inn was the scene of their celebration, and in the quiet parlour before a great tire that leapt checrfully at the black-throated chimney they drank the same healths and ruade the same vows that they had drunken and nmde three rimes before, and the evening passed magically and swiftly, as such evenings do. Jocularly they told the landlord that he must reserve the room for them on the saine day next week, and--singing lustily -clambered into their old car, and made off through the frosty night-air. All the way their voices sounded to the hum of 99 [The « Pow-wow." OUR LADY OF IUMOUIS. I00 THE DEPARTURE 101 the engine, and the trees flung back snatches of old school songs. If was a memorable ride. As they neared the barracks their songs grew wilder, until they realized, by the answering clamour from window and balcony, that something was afoot. "Where the  have you been ?" a gruff voice asked. " You'd better get insidc; only just in rime, that's all." The news was soon imparted. Early in the evening, while they had been sitting happily in mock celebration of " The Day," orders had corne through. The Brigade was fo proceed overseas. Parade would be af 2 a.m., and in the interval barracks were fo be cleared of stores. Gradually the dust and din of thc work died down, and in room after room men sat af a last table playing cards or discussing the possibilities of to-morrow. Time fled quickly, and the boisterous and the quiet alike were soon shouldering packs and rifles ready for parade. It was a dark night and cold, with a slight mist; and as the men passed out of the circle of lights towards the barrack square, they seemed fo fade into the blackness, shadows among the shadows. There they were, the men who had splng fo answer the call af the end of August 191. It was now No- vember 1915. They were a jolly crowd. "Good luck fo them all, good luck, and a sale return." To France, now they are off. It's nothing like what they expected, nothing like what they hoped if would be, and nothing like what if ought fo have been. They should have gone as they had seen others go, with music and laughter and cheers; but, instead, they crept out of barracks af midnight silently and secretly. The order was, no talking, no singing, no smoking. No one felt like a hero; the feeling was more like being one of a band of criminals. There was a good deal of whispered resentment running through the ranks as the men trudged 102 THE HISTORY OF THE "U.P.S." along the road to Ludgershall (they didn't have the luck to go from the nearest station), but it died down and depression seemed to be on every one. They did have a "send off," though. During a short halt in a street in Ludgershall a window of a house, close to where one of the platoons was standing, was suddenly opened and a woman's voiee was heard: " Are you the Fussies 9. ,, " Yes," said some one in a hoarse whisper. " Good-bye and good luek," came the answer. "Stop that talking," snapped out some bad-tempered offieer or N.C.O. The men moved on again. That voiee had eheered them a good deal, and those in front heard it greeting the men behind as they came abreast of the window. The station, the train, all are aboard, and at last the train moves off. Spirits are once more as they had always been in the U.P.S.--high, very high. The men sang and smoked and slept. That is, they slept until the eold awakened them, then ruade tea with their " Tommy's Cookers." With every yard nearer to France spirits arose. The girls at  who gave the men tea and sandwiches, the women and ehildren at Folkestone who eheered them as the train tan past their houses to the quay, and the exeitement of embarking on the troop-ship soon ruade them forger their previous gloom. The passage aeross the Straits was immensely enjoyed by ail on deek. The destroyer and the airships provided novelties enough for any one. Some of the men below deeks did not altogether enjoy the erossing, but the diseomfort was not for long. France is sighted. The destroyer leaves the transport. At last, Calais, France! the front! No, not yet hours in an uncomfortable train going back to Boulogne. Back, away from the fighting, that didn't suit the men; but then, were they not the U.P.S. ? Didn't the authorities always do the wrong thing 9. Of course. However, here they were at Boulogne, marching through THE DEPARTURE 103 the streets, up a hill to a rest-camp. They had a good recep- tion from the French people, and especially from the children, who ran beside the men and held their hands and chatted incessantly, their chief conversation being " biscuit, souvenir." So the U.P.S. arrived at the rest-camp near the observatory. The rest part of it was, what they soon learned to call " na-pooh." The next day they did innumerable parades, and a terrible route-march. "I think that march," said one of them, " was the hardest piece of work we had done, or ever did." That night there was a heavy fall of snow, which ruade a mess of things. If melted rapidly, and the men got fairly wet packing up the next morning, which they had to do in the open, as there is hardly room in a bell-tent for ten or a dozen men to move about freely. They were off by about eight o'clock, and ïan to the station. It was nota march by any means. There was a horrible road to traverse, simply a river of mud, and by the rime the station was in sight the men were quite wet with perspiration, and then, of course, had to wait about an hour and a half for the train. The real British Army way. They were glad when the train of horse-trucks arrived, glad to get into them. They were more glad to leave the,.n and tumble out into the darkness and the rain, which was now falling steadily. Think of it, the whole of a day in a horse- box, forty-two in one box. Will they ever forget the legend, "8 chevaux, 82 hommes"? Then billets in stables and barns at Thiennes. The guns could be heard now, and queer flickerings in the sky could be seen. Strange stories of soldiers and fighting were told by the estaminet keepers. All very vague and unreliable. Another day's march and more billets, as before. Then another day's march and the barracks in Bethune--a dirty hole, with part of the roof removed by a German shell. The U.P.S. were really in touch with the war now. A large part 105 TttE ttISTORY OF TttE " U.P.S." of the town was already in ruins, and shells were sent fairly regularly, apparently as a sort of greeting. On again. Right into the trenches this time. Those eight kilomètres seemed absurdly short ones, and still all were keen to be in the fighting. This was what they had joined the Army for. This was what they had done all those attacks in Surrey for. They were right up. It was strange and weird, not a bit as they expected it. What about tteadley tteath now ? Why, it wasn't much like Bedlam trenches even. It takes a few hours for one to realize that there are some men over that pile of sandbags who are trying to kill you. The realization does corne though, first through the graves of the unknown soldiers, and later by losing a comrade. The dreadful, dull monotony of war when there is nothing doing. The saine sandbags and mud, the same ping and whizz. The rest has been described often enough. Some of the description is a mere feat of imagination, and, as the truth is never readable, the story may as well end here. [The " Pow-wow. °, "'DONE IN!" Pow=Wow. VOLUhI= L TIIE COVER OF TIIE "' POW-VOW." Desiged by llr. H. C. llumby of the U.P.S. [105 CHAPTER VII « THE POW-WOW " WE have reserved for the end of this little book some accourir of The Pow-wow, the unofficial magazine of the Brigade, to whicb frequent reference has becu ruade in the foregoing pages. It was edited by Private (now Lieut.) lIurry of the 20th Battalion. Its general character is fairly obvious from the numerous extracts and illustrations fronl it reproduced throughout this book. The following extracts from the Prefaces to the bound volumes, Nos. 1-20, and Nos. 21-38, will supply a key to the authors and artists : The signatures of Ptes. Cundall and Stoneley are familiar to ail out readers. Their cartoons have been a source of mirth to every one. We cannot sufficiently thank them for their unflagging devotion. Their timely arrival with drawings has saved many a bulging line. Readers may remember the tragic disappearances with commissions of Clark and Fyfe, and the despondency of the Editor on that accourir. They will recall his last despairing efforts to write the whole thing hinlself and his final acknowledgment of failure. It was this that aroused some of the dark horses in Epsom, and with their aid, both as contributors and as editorial assistants, we were able to resume. It is rime that their names were associated with their noms-de- plume. "Twopence "--who should now be "2½d."--the perpe- trator of every variety of verse and putrid prose, is known to his friends as Green, to the military authorities as Pte. G. M. Green. Ite is in the 19th Battalion. "E1 Sind," seer and man of the world, who writes as easily in the language of lIoses as in his own and on subjects suitable for either, is Private 14 05 106 TtIE tIISTORY OF THE " U.P.S." D. L. Perry, a signaller in the 20th Battalion. "Raya," whose gift for composing the most perfect verse and concluding it with some delightful bathos is unrivalled, is a private in the 20th also, Raymond Walter by name. tI. C. Mumby, whose drawings in the later numbers have interested and delighted every one, has put us still further in his debt by designing the cover for us. [And again] . . . others contribu'ced occasionalty, "Py'chian " amongst thcm. " Sindbad "che Sailor" is onc Hume, a corporal. • . . Reprcscntatives of thc canine specics will bc sorry fo hcar that "Bow-»vow" is, aftcr all, a human being, Clcmcnts by nmnc and a privatc in 'che samc Battalion as Grccn. Thcre is little fo add. Out las'c numbcr contains out reasons for con- signing The Pow-wow to thc grave. I{cgrcts are out of place in a preface, so we vill concludc with the hopc that: " When you gre old and grey and full of sleep, And nodding by the tire, take down this book," the memories that it vill arouse vill be not only of dreary days, of interminable fatigues; for, in spire of everything, was there ever sueh a gallant eompany ? That The Pow-wow passed tltrough some critical rimes is shovn by the folloving extract from one of the earlier numbers: As far as the Editor can see, this will be the las'c number of The Pow-wow. He is fed up. Apart from the aid of one or two heroic souls in , he has had practically no assist- ance. tIe is certainly flattered by the non-an'ival of copy, as he infers that his co-privates consider him equal to the task of doing the whole thing himself. This is the episode to which allusion is nmde in the Preface quoted above. The deeision to eonelude The Pow-wow was ex- pressed in the last number (No. 38) as follows: With this issue The Pow-wow ceases to be. To many, no doubt, the news will be in the nature of a surprise; but to those who are aware of the ïact that the Editor may be trans- ïerred to some less energetic sphere at shooE notice, the result "TtIE POW-WOW" 107 of a motor accident, which will keep him temporarily out of active service, and that "El Sind " has gone te make lnunitions, it xvill merely occur that the inevitable has happened. At the same rime, it vould be as vell te state that this step has been under consideration for seine rime past. If has gradually been forced upon us t.hat ve have passed the zenith, and are new te a grcat extent repeating ourselves. Life which vas all fresh up te a certain point latterly has had little new te offer te the tired scribe. The daily round, xvith its conventions both of behaviour and humour, has lest ifs original charm frein our standpoint, and each veek finds us less ready te express our vievs, be they genuine or satirical. Parodies naturally occupied a great deal of the space devoted te verse in The Pow-wow. We reproduee seine of the most typieal speeimens here. Omar Khayydtm bas inspired many a parody, and " Sindbad the Sailor" sueeeeded in skilfully adapting seine of his best-knovn lines te the lire of the U.P.S. OMAR AT WOODCOTE AWAKE ! the blatant Bugle--for our sin-- From far and ner with loud insistance dins. Reveille sounds, and with ifs strident lqote Another Day of Agony begins. Dreaming, when Dawn's Left Hand was in the sky I heard the Corporal's repeated Cry " Awake 1 ye Beggars ! Get a move on there ! " Slowly I rose and rubbed a sleepy Eye. I sometimes think that never looks se sweet My Bed as when, first standing on my Feet, I seek te courir how many Hours must pass Ere I again that pleasant Couch shall greet. A little later, le! I stood before The Cook House shouting, " Open new the door! You know we corne net hither of out Choice Ner, having corne, would wait an Heur or more!" Mess Orderlies are we, a Band forlorn Seeking out Food upon a wintry Morn, Seine chemical Concoction known as Tea And sundry Morels of bewhiskered Brawn. 108 THE HISTOR¥ OF THE " U.I.S. '' Thcn on the cold bleak Downs do we parade In Leather Harness girt, with sorrow weighed, Wishing that we had never left our I-/omes, or in the Quest of phantom Glory strayed. The Squad no "Question makes of Ayes or loes, But Right or Left, as Shouts the Sergeant, goes, For he, by Virtue of the stripes he wears Ho -knows about if ail, or thinks he knows ! Oh! leave the Wise fo wrangle, and with ne Tire Question of our Destiny let be! And in some corner of the Pow-wow's Page Make Gmne of that which makes as much of thee! Some fo the æyramids have raised their Eyes, Ot.hers declare that France shall be our Prize, Some speak of Aldershot.--This much is Truth, " We are af Voodcote "--and--the Rest is Lies! Oh! Mud of my Delight that knows no wane, My Boots are with thy Foulness clogged again ; /Iay Allah haste /he Day when I shall scan, Those boots for Traces of thy clay, in vain! And You who follow after, when you pass Through Woodcote Mud in search of Woodcote Grass And, failing, drown your Grief in the Canteen, Renmmber Us !--and drain another Glass. SIIDBAD THE SAILOtt. OMAR ON IIGttT-OPS Lo ! the new week, reviving old desires, To Night-Ops now the G.O.C. aspires, And twice two thousand men obey his call, Men who have dug the sand and put out rires. And, as the change from Day fo ight was ruade, Behold us ail assembled on Parade, With Harness and with heavy Packs begirt, Take heed ! If is the inety-eighth Brigade. Ah ! corne with old Khayygim, and leave ail hope Of sleep behind ; and through the forest grope, Collide with wire fences and assail The thousand obstacles within thy scope. " THE 1)OW-WOW " 109 0 thou who didst with rabbit-hole and snag Infest the path o'er whieh my foot I drag, Thou wilt net my profanity condemn, Ner blame me if t lst my spirits flag. One instant's halt among the hours of haste, And frein my water-bottle one swift taste, And le ! my Company bas passed away, And I ana left alone within the waste. Platoon of my delight, it is with pain That I discover thou art lest again. How oft herea.fter shall my Sergeant look Through that self-smne Platoon for me--in vain. Could I my chosen Destiny arrange Myself into a Scout I straight would change. I have but lest myself to-night, while they Can lose whole Companies, ner think if strange. Still stumbling on the road I deemed the best, Platoons galore I met with on my quest, Seine te the Northward bound, sorae te the South, Seine te the East and others te the West. And as each passed, in whispers I inquired, "Who are ye, O my friends?" But soon I tired; " Eighteenth " and " Nineteenth," aye, and "Twenty-first," But net tlm one Battalion I desired. At last, in sorrow and in weariness My failure I was tempted te confess, When, le ! I heard the Rattle's strident sound, And knew that I was nigh the M.G.S. They who, for reasons which I may net know, Take Rattles with them wheresoe'er they go, Conceal themselves with curming and with skill, And with loud noises seek te awe their foe-- With them I rested for a little while, And with them marched for many a weary toile, Until af last I came unto my hut, My foot in blisters and my temper vile. SIIçDBAD THE AIL01%. 110 TItE tIISTORY OF TtIE " U.P.S." The "Bridge of Sighs" gave " Twopence" worked out, of the following : EWELL-TIED 1914 (W A,oLoGms Te To» HOOD) OE more unfortunate, Bored unto tears-- Leave, though importunate, Only New Year's ! the idea, skilfully Alast for the rarity Of Christian charity Under the sunl At home all the slackers tIave flappers and crackers-- I-Ieroes have none! Long ere the sun rise On Christmas morning, Must we each one rise, tIis feather bed scorning. Then off te Woldingham, Duty upholding 'ena, Big men and small men Ail overflowing With happiness, showing Good-will t.o ail men. In we plunge boldly, No matter how coldly The liquid mud drenches, Down in the stink of it (Just as they meant us te). Picture it, think of it, Lave in it, drink of it, You who have sent us te Dig in the trenches. The bleak wind and tain Make us tremble and shiver, And the wait for the train Gives us chill on the liver-- "THE POW-WOW" 111 Dreadfully taring Through muddy impurity, Hopelessly swearing That we shall be wearing The mud through futurity. Look hot disdainfully ; Think how we painfully Laboured and cursed-- No of the stains of us, All that remains of us Now is A THIRST. Such varied sources as Shakespeare, Longfellow, Gilbert were equally skilfully drawn upon : IRIVATE X, where are you roaming ? Hide a while! the picquet's coming, That can see both high and low. Crawl no further, try retreating ; Journeys end in sentries meeting-- Every wise man's son doth know. Wlmre's your pass  It's that they're after ; This is hot a time for laughter ; What's to corne is still unsure. Tell your lies then, good and plenty-- Do hot mention Sweet and Twenty, C.B. you carmot endure. TWOPENCE. and W. C. I-l. A PSALM OF LIFE (REvISED VERSION} TELL me not in mournful mmbers That to France we ne'er shall roam, But with nought to mat our slumbers, Make the Huts our only home. We were keen! And we were earnest! (Brimming are our bitter cups !) "Mud thou art, to mud returnest," Is the motto of the Ups. Not enjoyment and hot sorrow Is our destined end and way, But to act, that each to-morrow Find us wlmre we are to-day. 112 THE HISTORY OF THE " U.P.S." Var may end and Peace, returning, Smile upon the Empire soon ; Stalle fo see the Ups still learning "On the left" fo "Form Platoon." At the Front out Brothers perish, Itigh their courage and sublime. Here no hopes we date to cherish-- "U.P.S. Brigade, Mark Tirae ! " leace vill corne and surely find us Doing as we do to-day, And, disbanded, leave behind us Footprints in the Woodcote c}ay. SI5'DBkD THE SAILOE. I the Spreagle Saloon a profane Fusilier Shrieked, " Censored, 0 Censored, 0 Censored ! " And I said to him, " Why are you hanging round here Shrieking, ' Censored, 0 Censored, O Censored ' ? Is it weakimss of intellect, Tommy," I cried, " Or a drop too much Scotch in your little inside ? " With a scowl on his juvenile face he replied, "Be Censored, you Censored old Censored ! " He grew purple, and gasped to the ceiling and floor, "Deleted, Deleted, Deleted ! " And I thought he'd explode as he bellowed once more, "Deleted, Deleted, Deleted ! " He raged and he raved as he thought once again Of the flapper at Wimbledon waiting in vain, And he prayed that the picquets who guarded the train Be " Deleted, De]eted, Deleted ! " (" Titwillow "--The $likado) TWOPENCE. "C. H." happily parodied sonnets of Milton and Wordsworth : MAIGLED IASTERPIECES FROM POPULAR POETS II. MILTON A MESS ORDERLY ON HIS HUNGER WHE I consider how my time is spent Ere hall my days in this dark world and wide, In cleaning buttons that ] cannot bide, Or posted as a sentry with intent To serve thereby my Colonel, and present My arms to him, lest he returning chide-- "THE POW-WOW " 118 Doth ho oxact hard labour, food denied ? I fondly ask :--But Patienco, to prevent That murmur, soon replies : Vho doth not feed Either in Camp or Epsom--he had best Bear his mild yoko or alter his estate, Setting his purpose to assuage his need For drink and victuals--shoving with tho rost-- They are not served who only stand and wait. WORDSWORTH TItE INNER VISION Mos swoet it is with unuplifted eyes To paco the ground, as if one were alone, Not pent within a column to surmiso That sweetness lurks within the raucous tono Of Sergeant-Major, to endue tho scene, Tho dusty roedway, and the swearing men, With meditativo boauty, royal mien, Or, fancying those peaceful rimes again When lifo was fragrant, thought both free and deft At conjuring the musos, to aspire To win again the faculties bereft Of which no human poet may inspiro ttis feeblo words or tune his little lyre • . . And then to hear the Corporal shouting " LEFT ! " "Twopence" also essayed the sonnet form : C• Co I. 15 TO MY ENTRENCttING TOOL WA is thero sweoter when tho amorous Moon, In cloud-fleek weeds or naked splendour dight, With quoenly largesse poufs her argent light Upon an earth that gladdens at the boon, Or when the clouds, with silent-stepping shoon, ttavo draped their cloakes adown the dome of nigbt Till o'en tho stars aro curtained from out sight-- Oh what could then bo sweoter than to spoon ? Rather than clasp in these my martial arms The shapely softness of a Itouri's charms On garden-sward of Paradise, than win The Argivo ttelen for my bride to be : Rather at Epsom would I spoon with thee-- Spoon up tho Common earth and dig me in ! TWOPENCE. 114 THE HISTORY OF THE " U.P.S." It was inevitable that the Alphabet rhyme should be adapted to the U.P.S. It is perhaps a trivial form of verse, and so the author of the following U.P.S. Alphabet modestly remains anonymous : U.P.S. ALPHABET A is an Adjurant, booted and spurred, B the Battalion that moves af his word, C is a Company (ours takes the cake), D is the Danming that keeps if awake, E is an Elegant Extract of rank, F is a File (which is frequently blank), G is a Gun--I beg pardon, a rilïe, Il stands for "Itipe " (this may vary a trifle), I is Instructions for night-ops, again, J is our Joy when it cornes on to rain, K is the "Kultttr" we'ro out fo suppress, L is the Liar whose nmne you can guess, M is the Mortal who moves to communal, N is the Nut tlmt ho was beforelmnd, O is an Officer--hark fo his shout-- P tho llatoon that ho ---- about. Q is the Query, "What does the man mean ? " 1 the Reply, "Tiret remains fo be soon." S is a Sentry-group out in a wood, T is the Toddy they'd get if they could. U stands for Uniforms, and I presume V for the Various shapes they assmne W's out Weapons (we've only a few), X the Xtent of the damage they'll do. Y is out Yearning to join in the fray, and Z is out Zest which will carry the day. Many dinking songs naturallv appeared in the pages of The Pow-wow. The following by "C. H.," the Editor, has the right swing in it: DRINKING SONG O bring hot here your barley beer Or alderberry wine. Black-currant juice will not induce Forgetfulness, nor make a truce 'Twixt poet and divine; But hall, all bail To ]olly old ale, 115 [The '" Pow-wow." HOW IT'S DONE. THE EDITOR AS OUR ARTIST SEES HIM. Nutmeg, cinnamon, dark or pale, I-Ieady and strong as a North-East gale, Jolly old ale--that's mine. Let Jack and Jill go up the hill ; for me the warm saloon, A snug retreat where friends may meet, While time flits by in the busy street, Where the present is lost and the Future's sweet lor an hour that goes too soon. So bring not here your barley beer Or alderberry wine. Black-curra.nt juice will hot induce lorgetfulness, nor make a truce 'Twixt poet and divine ; But hall, all hall, To jolly old ale, 116 THE HISTORY OF THE " U.P.S." Nutmeg, cinnamon, dark or pale, ]eady and strong as a North-East gale, Jolly old ale--that's mine. Let others prate of human fate ; for me the hours that pass Are sad or gay ; and who's te say Where we go when it's rime te pay ? What does if marrer ? We lire to-day-- Then fill another glass. But bring net here your barley beer Or alderberry wine. Black-currant ]uice will net induce Forgetfulnoss, ner mako a truce 'Twixt poet and divine. But bail, ail hall Te jolly old ale, Nutmeg, cinnamon, dark or pale, Heady and strong as a North-East gale-- Jolly old ale--TrAT's This is naturally followed by the inevitable toast: C. A TOAST I-IERE'S fO tho Major of bashful fifteen, New te tho Privato of thirty. Here's te the Sub., who's amazingly keen, And here's te tho Sergeant who's shirty. Let tho toast pass, drink it ;--alas, A swaddy has every excuse for the glass ! Here's te the Captain, whoso figure we prize ; New te another with none, sir ; Here's te a voice, which was ronde, wo surmise, Chiefly for calling out " 'Shun," sir. Let the toast pass, drink if ;--alas, A swaddy bas every excuse for the glass! Here's te the Iq.C.O., mildly profane, New te the man he addresses ; Here's te the O.C., whoso orders are vain, And hero's te the hero who guesses. For, let him bo ranker or nigh te the top, Young or a.ncient, I care net a feather, Corne fill up with whisky, or bitter, or pop, And e'en let us toast 'em together. Ce "THE POW-WOW" 117 From this we pass on to the following, also by "C. H.": TO AN OFFICER SWET, bo not proud of broidored stars That sparklo in betwoen the bars Upon your cuff, nor proud fo see All men your captives, you yet free ; Nor bo you proud that you can shout Tho Lord knows why or what about, Whenas the Sain Browne that you wear-- If oiled and treated with due care-- Will last beyond the present war, Or longer than you'll need if for. Co Ho " Raya," too, has his dig at the aspirant to rank: BALLADE OH ! ho had visions brlght and gay Of rising fo a Brigadier With stars and erowns in rich array Emblazoned thero and shining here, And how the camp would shake with fear Whene'er he deigned to walk that way ; r faith a right renowned ca.reer ! A picnio, and a holiday ! Alas, how visions disappear And leave again the light of day! For he's still messing over here Removing sods and carting clay; Ho uses words I mustn't say, And mopes until the night is near, And then, fo scare the past away, Ho soaks his sordid self in beer. ENVOI 0 Sergeant ! let him slink away And shed the melancholy tear, For he is still, alack-a-day! A simple-minded Fusilier. RAYA. 118 TttE ttISTORY OF TttE " U.P.S." Descriptions of camp lire following by "C. H." and by EPttEMEIA TOSE days are past when August, loudly calling, Addressed the weary wight from many a hoarding, Reminding him that city life was palling, That houses of the genus known as " boarding " Awaited him, that nerves required a tonie, That a.ll complaints were curable--even the chronic. Those days are past when leaving in his newest--- The latest thing--and looking very dapper, tic booked (return) to where the skies are bluest, And numerous the necessary flapper, And spent his rime in harmless dissipation, Nor feaxed from Zeppelins a fatal visitation. Or, puffing placidly along to /)over, On alien soil he hoped to spend his leisure-- Although perhaps the actual crossing over Was hot included in the scheme of pleasure, But more regaxded as some dire Chimera That guarded the approaches to the Riviera. Or, yet again, case-harden(d fo the crossing, tte stood him in the bow, head bare, and scanned The dira horizon, joying in the tossing, And looking forward fo the promised land, ]:[e viewed his climbs and hoped this year the going Would be as good as last, and that if vasn't snowing. Those days are past, and now, the sport of Sirius, tte plods in dusty ways within a column, Unkempt and veary and with thirst delirious, With sober mien and thoughts both sad and solemn, For he has lately heard the Gods are fain To give him holiday--and August will be spent On Salisbury llain ! mSÈE TnICE weekly af six in the morning, And long ere the fise of the sun, We leap from our bed and descend fo get fed ; And hasty ablutions, or none. Sasadwich-laden, we speed through the darkness, Irdaaling the mist and the murk ; For out sportive O.C.'s seem fo do as they please, While their companies do all the work. were naturally numerous, and the "Lance-Private" are typical : C. H. "THE POW-WOW " 119 With our coats neatly slung as per orders, While the rain descends damply in sheets, We stand limply af ease, and we freeze and we sneeze And our Non.-Coms. de noncomly feats, They count us, and twist us, and turn us, And divide us in sections of ten .... We begin te entrain, then they notice the rain, And it's back te our billets again. Or else, if the weather's propitious, And the engine has net been mislaid, We proceed te embark, and, seine rime before dark, Reach the place where the trenches are ruade. Oh tben we bedaub and besmear us And wallow in oceans of clay, While our oflïcers tell us we're very fine fellows, But xvisely keep out of the way. Still, levity lightens our labours, There is often a humorous sidc, E.g., when a man with a waist of large span, Tries te work in a trench two feet wide, There is mirth in the midst of our moiling, And much that were better unsaid, I.e., the remarks of Adolphus 1 ). Sparks, When a friend dropped a pick on his head. But we work for our King and our Country, Also for our Country and King (It's padding, I know, but ideas will net flow, And the words bave a sort of a swing) ; I-IenceforO we lire under a shadow, The fear lest, in case of a raid, 'Mid tbe general rouf, they sbould order us out, Te fight in the trenches we've ruade! LACE -1)RIVArE. "C. H." bids farewell te Epsom, Ashtead, and Leatherhead, and bewails the conditions of life in Clipstone : Te EPSOM, ASHTEAD, AND LEATHERHEAD COE, sing with me Te the peerless three, Goddesses blithe and gay. Corne, sing with le Te the trinity, Hallowed and far away, 120 TttE ttISTORY OF TttE " U.P.S." Where earth is lovely and hearts are kind-- As all heart.s are that we leave behind-- Where life runs smoothly and Love is blind-- As Love must ever be. Corne, sing with me No threnody Siihed to a northern moon ; But merrilie To the South Countrie-- Memory calls the tune-- Of woody hillocks and windy downs Of lonely commons and little towns Vhere nature seldom, if ever, frowns-- Happier far than we. Corne, sing with me Right rousingly-- Barman, a stoup of ale. Good ]ucl, drinl we To the peerless three, And may they never rail To breed fine lasses and brew good beer (Though the latter is quite as good up here). Fill up, fill up--with a mighty cheer. Iere's to the trlnity. Corne» sing with me, Though far we be Up in the chilly :North. Some day will see Us fair and free Sallylng gaily forth, Perchance in mufti--who knows, and when ?-- Back from the ranks, acquitted men, Back to the sunny South again, Back to the peerless three. Co ï]. Nor svas there a lack of more serious verse, as the following examples will show: SPRING SPnnvo came to me with pretty words, With pretty words, and said: " It's fine to-day, and I'm called May, Aud you're a khaki Tommy, eh ? Oh ! Tom, the winter's dead ! " "THE POW-WOW" 121 Indeed, indeed ! how dull was lire, Vas life of yesterday !-- wandered down the little town With eyes of blue and cheeks of brown ; Te wandered right away .... Ah me[ ttow very, very fleet, ttow fleet are lire and joy! How short a thing is May, and Spring, How soon the bcll of doom may ring For Maid and Khaki Boy: AYA. And some sonnets : LAST YEAI LONE in a valley rich in alpine flow'rs Vhoso fervent beauty tinetured ail the scene-- Tho sombrous pines, tho crags, the paler greon Of higher slopes--until tho snowy tow'rs, Luring the seul te spend unheeding hours Amid their fastness, silcnt and serene, Blotted out colour with tiroir dazzling sheen  I lay and dreamed how little that is ours Is warth a hought wlmn flow'r and rock and show-- Ail hmnblo things--can awo us ino fear Of our own littleness until we grow Less than tho earth wo tread, unfil wo hear Whispers of truths too vast for martal ear And mysteries that we can never know. 16 TttIS YEAI New when thoso mountains echo te tho ound Of human thunder--mortal mimicry Of their own sudden vaprous gunnery-- IVhen flow'rs are trarnpled on contested ground, And trees are split, and nature's beauty bound A slave in manacles te devilry, While smoke enwreathes tho ghastly revelry Of man and man that ends within a mound Of piteous oarth ; I wait with others here Te join the Dance Macabre whose evil tune Waltzes within the blood till all the dear Dead dreams are gone, the seul is out of swoon. Two thousand years slip back, and, standing clear, Self-confident, I pray the day be soon. 122 TttE tIISTORY OF TtIE " U.P.S." ON CLA1R.ENDON tIILL TEN thousand merry soldiers laugh below, And sing and play and chat; a fretting train Puffs round the hillside Londonwards again. Often the strident evening bugles blow ; The lights wink busily, and corne and go Like flashing images in the turbulent brain: And once I sec a tardy aeroplane Fly homewards, whirring sharply, flying low: And I lie here and marvel at the earth, And all its dark strange beauty, and its pain, And doabt, if I should never see again This August moon that's creeping into view, "Whether a valiant death in France is worth Thc loss of Youth, and Love, and Beauty too QUIMA:PALUS. A DEATH NoT in the shining armour of the Past Upon some charger, with a tilted lance, To fall beside the road of high romance :For some fair maiden's honour overcast ; Nor yet, when shrilly blows tlle summoning blast, Plunging upon the crest of sonle advance, Where ail the plumes of Englisll knighthood dance, To win a grave upon the field at last ; Not thus to die! But in the cold half-light, When the damp mist divides the day and night, To stagger suddenly, stung, stupid, torn ; And, while the light cornes lifelessly and grey, To lie all bloodied in the common clay With stiffened ]ilnbs and the sad dead face drawn. I,AYA. " Raya" was killed in action. Examples of the prose of The Pow-wow are more diflïcult to give. The subject-matter is generally more ephemcral and the allusions more obscure when read out of the context of daily events. The following exalnplcs of widely different types luay sttffice : "THE POW-WOW" 123 AN HILAIRIOUS REVIEW WITtt NECESSARY APOLOGIES Trois week I propose to discuss the question of the future movements of the U.P.S. from a different standpoint. Last week I endeavoured fo prove that the move to barraeks, some of whieh bear the naine of "Jellalabad," may or may hOt be of signifieanee. A correspondent writes to suggest that the change of address may have been marie in order to provide a test of sobriety for men returning from leave, but his suggestion may be dismissed without comment save that, as no one ever thinks of trying to pronounee the word by day, still less would they seek to do so by night. From the great number of letters I have reeeived from maiden aunts and sister Susies, it would appear that I have driven some of them into a eomplete stoppage of knitting operations by reason of my quotation from anothcr military genius (though, of course, in a far less eomplex age), viz., that " An Army marehes on its stomaeh." Let us examine this proposition a little eloser. My long experi- enee in military mtters leads me to eonclude that either (a) the genius was totally mistaken; (b) he was speaking figuratively; or (c) tha by some misapprehension the word " belly " was substituted for "Belloe.:' Any of these conclusions nmy be correct, but, again relying on my teehnieal knowledge, I dismiss (a) and (b) in favour of (c). The manufacture of soeks may, therefore, proeeed unhindered. Now let me deal with the subjee of my article. I hope to show to the satisfaction of my readers tha either () the U.P.S. are destined for active service or (y) they are hOt. Another correspondent who signs himself " Where are the Nine ?" is of opinion that as only one man in ten has as yet been issued a short rifle, () may be ruled out of discussion. The fallaey of his suggestion will be at once apparent to ail who have followed my various articles. Nearly ten months ago I suggested that the Allies might well corne to some nnderstanding with the other be||i- gerent Povers whereby the monotony of another winter's campaign of stationary trench warfare might be obviated. This could be done altogether, I find, in 6,997 ways. If, hovever, my correspondent is accurate in his statement, it would seem that the actual agree- ment arrived at is that only one man in ten is to be armed. Each side would thus be called upon to discover and tire at the man holding the rifle at any particular moment. Such an arrangement, 12 TttE ttISTORY OF THE " U.P.S." besides proving ex- citing for the men, would provide un-- limited opportunity for ingenuity on the part of the oflîcers in keeping the rifle con- stantly on the more. As a marrer of fact, a diagram illustrating how the rifle could change hands 18,777 rimes in an hour and a half, and still leave mnple margin for a good sleep for the N.C.O.'s, has unfor- tunately gone to the printers with my a.r- ticle on " Why Willie will one day Wonder," for the Sunday Sketchy Marvel. [The °' Pow-wow.'" HAVi IECEIVED THE ABOVE FIOM AN UNKNOVN LADY EADE HAILING FlO5I BRISTOL. Vlg. POSITIVELY BLUSH. To the thoughtful student of affairs it will be obvious that I have proved conclusively that either (x) or (y) must be right, and there I leave it. I hope to dcal with the moral aspect of the situation next week from still another standpoint (there are, to the military mind, several thousand standpoints) ; but, as my article for Earth and Sky will have to be rewritten in the light of important information I have received from a friend of a late butler to the divorced husband of an Austrian Co«ntess, I cannot deal with the moral issue for a few days. Bow-wow. TttE LAST INSPECTION IT was a curious coincidence that the three greatest events in history should occur on three successive days. On Wcdnesday the U.P.S. Brigade was inspected by the Minister for War, Lord Kitchener's great successor. It was the one hundredth " THE POW-WOW " 125 inspection, and many thought that if would be the last belote leaving for the front. In a way these optimists were right. On Thursday Von Kluek, at the head of a triumphant hand, entered Paris, with the Kaiser af his side; while, at almost preeisely the same hour, Maekensen and the Crown Prince watched Petrograd flame into nothingness. On Friday came the Great Cataelysm--the end of the world. Strange that Fate, Destiny--what you will--should ehoose that day for the final act. Or was if just the last, glorious, vietory of good over evil 9. Who shall say 9. And after the end--Saturday! Have you ever left your body and travelled through spaee un- hampered by the flesh 9. Lie out on the moors some glorious summer day and listen fo the murmur of the sea. Let the wind play about your head while you gaze upward into the blue. Wateh that little white eloud floating above you, like a ship at sea, impereeptibly ehanging shape ; --now a whale, now a snow-eapped peak, now a moeking diabolieal face, grinning at the futility of life. Forger everything you ever knew ; open your soul fo the infinite; and wait. And if shall eome to pass that your ego, your innermost self, leaving behind the fetters of the flesh, shall soar upward, free and untrammelled, a very Ariel. Upward, lpward, ever higher, while earth, with ifs myriad tongues, sinks fo oblivion beneath. Free ïrom the bondage of the senses, you shall float there like a bubble on a still day, Nirvana, the Ultinmte Peace, attained. Thus shall you realise to some extent the strange emotions of those that saw that Sattrday. Imagine, if you ean, a mighty mass of souls, extending tank upon tank, into the far distance; a mass divided into two parts. The one is eomposed mainly of kindly souls, the souls of good fathers and tender brothers, the souls of upright, earnest men ; but at their head is a group of different appearanee. Bloated, arrogant, ambitious souls these, inflated with false pride and selfishness. And at the heart of eaeh, bad and good alike, lies one little virtue, gone bad : the spirit of patriotism, turned astray, running amok. Look now at the second part. There is little differenee, on the whole, between these and the others, save that the heart is sound. But here are no false leaders, no imposed aristoeraey. Look elosely anaong these, and you will find one speeial group, 126 TttE JIISTORY OF TttE " U.P.S." a very fine body of souls. They are drawn up af attention, dressed by the right, numbered and proved. Every glossy wing is burnished, every harp shines in the light. Not a feather is awry, hot a spot stains the pure white of their garments. For this is the Last Inspec- tion. " Brigade--present--harps ! " cornes the order. And thus they stand, awaiting their doom. And thus we leave them, standing there expectant, as they bave stood so often belote. E, SND. The bound volumes of The Pow-wow ean be purchased from Messrs. Birch and Whittington, tIigh Street, Epsom. Another intcresting artistie endeavour was the U.P.S. Song- book written by Pte. A. W. Lloyd of the 19th Battalion, and set to well-known tunes. The songs had referenee to eurrent questions in the lire of the Brigade, and of course the speeula- tion as fo when the Brigade would be sent to the front vas not omitted ; thus : They tell us we are down for active service, In Belgium or in other foreign parts ; And they promise that the corps Is brigaded for the war-- For the front's the th/ng on which we've se out hearts. But if summer cornes and finds us still in training, "WÇ might as well be called an O.T.C. If we see no operations, Or at 1Çast somÇ foreign stations, With the U.P.S. 'twill then all be U.P. CHORUS On Sunday they say we'll go to Flanders, On Monday we're down for Nice or Cannes On Tuesday we stalle Vhen they hint at the Nilo, On Vednesdy the Soudan, On Thursday it's lIalta or Gibraltar, On Friday they'd send us fo Lahore, But on Saturday we're willing To bot an even shilling, WÇ'rÇ here for the duration of the war. " TH:E POW-WOW " 127 The gradual granted inspired Nigger Boys " : depletion of the ranks the following set fo the as commissions were tune of " Ten Little Eight little P.S.U.'s, feeling fit for heaven, One joined the Flying Corps, and then there wero seven. Six little P.S.U.'s, tired of being alive, One applied for Sandhurst, and then there were rive. Five little P.S.U.'s, round the ranks a bore, The worst got gazetted, and then there were four. And so on. Finally we have: On the road to La Bassée Where the ttuns await " The Day," 'Twill be slow for girls in Epsom When the " U.P.S." haro marched away. We conclude with the following clever lines by the versatile Editor, "C. Il." : As one who, in the passing of the sun, Sees an epitome of day's decline, The splendour and tlle pathos, much begun, But little ended save a faint design On flimsy fabric that the night-wind takes And breaks. So I: the sun is setting as the word " Finis "--inevitable as the night-- Scrawls from the drying pen, and lo are stirred Dreams of before, the wonder, the delight Of all beginnings. Who would think them ruade To fade ? Tlle temple of the God of Platitude Is ever open. Pilgrims come and go, And some too eager worshippers intrude Upon the very rites; an even flow Of elegiac verse were fiat no doubt Without. 128 THE HISTORY OF THE " U.P.S." But I would xvrite, avoiding commonplace, lecalling ail the lays that wo have sung, Of Epsom, Ashtead, Leatherhead ; retraco Out steps to when tho war--and wo--wero young, Then, leaving ail to memory, forger Regret. My Muse is gone, sho will not tune again The slackened strings, so I will cast away The useless lyre; and yet, the songs remain, The pages stand. Perchance when we are grey The yellowed leave will bring back youth, And so, Cheer Oh ! C. Ho [The "Pow-wow." Printed by Hazell, Watson & Viney, Ld., Lodon and Aylesbury.